Ok then let me put it this way, It's impossible to do an Nuzlocke Challenge out of it in the state it is right here and right now. I thought about trying it but in the first 4 hours I spent within this game without getting the first badge I rethought about it. I use the Event Pokemon because you can early get access to Ralts or an Magby which is unnormal for the original games (most times, Riolu was also changed because of some polls GameFreak did and Riolu was the winner of it-- even it was heard to catch at this farm in B2/W2) and I find this event idea very original, truely I do. But I think it's too diffcult, you see I'm more like a fun player, I do like training and sometimes grinding and stuff but under noraml circumstances which are not given in this game or at least not at the beginning. Even thinking before you're acting won#t win me a duel because I don't have the pokemon for it ? Dunno. I meant My first 4 pokemon are Reptile (Treekos Evo), Kadabra, Ralts & Magby and they're still in my team and even on the same level as Julia I couldn't beat her even she had 6 pokemon. In the noraml pokemon games you could win even if your pokemon are 2 or 3 level under the strongest of the gym leader's pokemon I also "died" several times during training and normal pokemon fights (not rival but Julia three times also) and this is something that NEVER happened to me when I played the original games, I felt superior even when I restart my old games every f*cking time and here I felt like complete dumbsh*t and stuff D: I must also say I'm no tier-Fighter and know what FEAR pokemon or SWAGGERS are build and I never played in tournaments and such, I just want a lil balance for Beginners. I don't wanna screw the game itself I just want a "third wheel" for beginners ? Like in Black/White 2 where you got the "easy & hard" difficulty oyu could activate. More EXP & harder Battles or Less EXP and easier Battles D: I know this is kinda noobish or childish but maybe it would fit the game as well BTW You should have actually no real problem with any starter you pick for the game, like Bulbasur or the most other Grass Type pokemon--- or Squirrel, it should even be "easy" if you chose the weakest partner of them all. Even in the original pokemon games are liek this. "Nah don't compare them, the original's are like shit, man" But I do compare them because this game is based on the original Pokemon. There is no new pokemon nor new type just new graphics other difficultyother soundtrack and most of all an intresting looking story and what I like the most besides the pokemon themself as a being (even a being of macro-data's) is the Story. I love Stories <3 That's why I also like the RPG games because of a good story and good games needs imo two things "confortable gameplay elements" and "an easy or complex and emotional "bedtime"story" to be awesome (for me they are like bedtime stories in full length with HD and--- oops xD)
@Trueblade Fush So right. I like two fight with my favorite's but I think many are my favorite and I fight only woth those given to my with the attacks given to me from the game!