Hello, my name is Luna and I'm new here!
I stumbled upon this site when a friend suggested to try Pokemon Reborn. Now my game keeps freezing just after the first badge and I came back here to see how I could rreport this bug, and then I saw there was a forum! I would also like to have a go at the Reborn League so I joined ^^
So my name is Luna, I am 21 years old and I live in Belgium (you know, that tiny country in Europe). It's a nice place to live, you should come visit sometime ^^
I started playing Pokemon when I was six. My big brother got the game and one time he was away I took his Gameboy and tried it out... Best decision ever ^^
After that (and alot of whining) I got my own Gameboy and copy of Pokemon Red, I loved every second of it! I played at least one game of every generation, and got into competitive Pokemon around the 3rd generation via Netbattle. I seemed to be a natural since every team I made had relative succes ^^
My other hobbies are karate, volleyball and biking. I do it all at a casual level, have done competition before but it was to tough on my body to continue.
That was it, I hope I can have a good time here and make many new friends!