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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by ShatteredSkys

  1. 18th Birthday:D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ShatteredSkys
    3. Mikzal


      Happy birthday!

    4. Sonikku



  2. You can shoot me later but who's that?
  3. umm why is the download link episode 10 of reborn?
  4. Recently picked it up, its absolutely awesome.
  5. Like Simon said if you want a bulky ghost go for cofagrigous, duskonoir, and gourgiest are your best choices, trevenent is also god but you find it pretty late in the game. If you want a glass cannon type ghost gengar and possibly rotom are pretty good. And if you want a sort of mix chandelure and golurk can both hit hard and have reasonable bulk. As for dark types if you want bulk drapion,scraggy, pangoro would probably be your best options, honckrow, absol, and bisharp are great sweepers with sucker punch, moxie(honchkrow's hidden ability) and swords dance(absol and bisharp). Also zoroark is a good special attacker though illusion is still broken.
  6. Actually theres a glitch where you can steal and keep items from trainers you team up with, Aya, Shelly, Cain, Victoria I'm not sure if its fixed yet.
  7. edit:ok guess i was on the wrong page
  8. So while i was playing showdown I managed to trap my opponents 35% health mega sable eye with my dugtrio, well that what i thought he just switched mega sableye out. Does magic bounce negate arena trap? I thought it only reflects status conditions?
  9. Well Saphira's ace is a dragonite so its pretty unlikely Also ice gem ice shard mamoswine says hi
  10. Try leading with a pokemon with compoundeyes this increases the chance to 20%, the pokemon can also be fainted so you can have a frisk pokemon behind to make finding items on wild pokemon much easier
  11. P.S. Dragon Scale is in the game, its a 5% chance hold item on horsea
  12. Cubachoo and Beartic are already in game but yeah awesome additions to the game:D Where is my scizor and milotic!!!!
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