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Everything posted by ShatteredSkys
So I've been doing a ton of mining recently trying to get a a root fossil for a cradily (part of my recent craze with grass types) and I've one or two weird things. -You can get the keystone that summons spiritomb which is a little weird since you get spiritomb in a different way so it's kind of weird to still bee able to obtain these. -Is the Helix fossil the only fossil your able to get? I've been mining at times 3.5 spead for roughly 2 hours and I've found a total of 5 fossils, all of them are Helix. I'm going to do a bit more mining to confirm this but am I just getting unlucky with the rng or is Lord Helix trying to tell me something? P.S. How do we revive our fossils?
I took a look at what item it is. Jan your evil
That sucks:( But I really don't think you should quit because you suck at spriting, I am horrible at spriting but that didn't stop me from working on my own hack (actually it does but I'm working on it) Anyway I hope you reconsider but hey making a game is tough
Doesn't it only appear in the morning?
Do you guys just want me to tell you where it is?
You can get driftloon as a rare encounter in the grass and frillish with the good rod.
There's a big hidden area pass the bridge. Try looking for the wing, hint its by a small body of water. Anyway you get access to one of the most OP pokemon in reborn, pity I already had it:/
how to start a war on reborn: mention talonflame:/
I did a little check on the event and apparently Jan messed up one of the switches:/ Don't worry he knows about it and it should be fixed soon. As for the gyms battles... Venam-I personally thought she was a little too strong. Poison jabs from grimers screwed up my team and if you don't bring a poison type txic spikes willl screw you over. I actually had to over level my pokemon to evolve them to there second stage and common candy them down to win. Than again i had a servine, gloom, and golbat when I faced this gym so obviuosly I'm to have a tough time. Keta- Was pretty surprised to see the mienshao and meditite so early on in the game. Gale strike is also pretty unforgiving if one of his pokemon get enough atk boosts. By this time in the game I had a crobat so it wasn't too hard. Personally I thought it was a little much but only a little. Though I do disagree with giving out bulk up it'll make battles that really on physical attacks Normal gym(I forgot her name :/)- This had the potential to be one of the toughest gyms yet. But do to her really bad ai I beat her on my first try. Instead of KOing my hitmonchan she would keep setting up multiverse which let me set up bulk ups to the point where I could sweep her with tackle. Yes tackle.. She potetially can be very har with that multverse, slaking, and porygons but the ai really messes her up. Narcissa-Broken, absolutely broken. I think you should either scrap the defense boost or the empowered field effect. Leaving the defense boost up to chance only makes the battle more rng based and we all know what rngesus does to pokemon. Anyway those are my 2 cents on the gym battles look forward to episode 54 derp Man I really got to hurry up with my own hack ........:/
Come to reborn they said, it'll be fun.
Doesn't hustle Zweilous have the strongest outrage in the game or something?
*Throws a a pebble at it* @Timbla besides the two ghosts you find in the gym you can find driftloon n the grass in the town but it has a really low encounter rate and frillish by fishing with a good rod in the area. I don't think either pokemon will help you out too much, maybe you can pull off some stockpile shennaingans with driftloon but not likely. Try training a sawsbuck, it can beat Narcissa's rotom ,mismagius, and dusclops(sort of). It's immune to ghost so it doesn't have to deal with the def boosts, it resists thunderbolt, and it can stall with leech seed which is huge against mismagius destiny bond and wearing out dusclops. Your coffagrigous should be able to beat doublade, power split it and it should be doing less than half your health and you can finsh it off with ominous wind. I used a crobat to take out gengar but you can't get one easilly anymore, not sure what you can use too beat it. And finally chandelure, I have no idea how your going to beat this thing. i beat it with my dewgong but i got lucky. it used flamethrowertwice instead og ghostly wail or energy ball so good luck with that.
I'm sorry but if your getting KOed while trying to set up your doing it completely wrong. As for the team I can't really say anything that hasn't been said already.
WOO! Finally beat Narcissa:D Sawsbuck does amazing vs rotom and mismagius, its immune to ghostly wail, resists their thunderbolt, and can stall them both out with leech seed. I still feel this boss is too strong though. The only reason I even won the fight was because Chandelure kept flamethrowing my dewgong instead of ghostly wail or energy ball.
I don't think gloom has it's ORAS moveset, I leveled mine to 39 and no toxic
My personal advice is just play around. Go into blind pick and play around with any champions that catch your eye. Get comfortable with the controls and camera first than you can worry about everything else. As you level up you'll get introduced to more and more of the game. Take your time and just have fun getting to level 30. If you have any questions message me, my summoner name is the same as my username ShatteredSkys P.S. Remeber Teemo is secretly satan.
Go to the middle come out, the right staircase will be unblocked, go up the right staircase enter the door run a loop around the bookcases and once you see the chandelure exit through the left exit, run back the right room and enter it this will take you to the beginning and move the fountain blocking the way to Narcissa, enter the middle room and this time it'll connect to the the room you entered earlier, exit via the most left most exit and a creepy girl will teleport you out to the beginning, go back inot the middle room and this time it'll change again, exit via the most right exit, this will bring you out of the middle room, the way to Narcissa will now be unblocked. As for fighting Narcissa I can't help you much since I haven't been able to get past more than 4 pokemon..... A big problem come from the gym leader's signature move ghostly wail which hits like a truck due to the field effect and the fact that it raises the users defense by one stage when used quickly rendering pyhsical users useless. My best piece of advice to bring a normal type to soak the ghostly wails. If you find a way to beat her please tell me. I stopped counting how many times I've lost to her and am right now raising some new pokemon to hopefully beat her with.
Yeah its a bit confusing:/ It doesn't in anyway hint where the player needs to go and instead becomes mostly trial and error. Also it is REALLY annoying that we have to redo the puzzle every time we leave the gym..... Which I do a lot since I can't beat Narcissa:/
Could you provide me with details of what happened? I'm no pro at essentials but I can take a look into it for you.
Actually it has :/
Me every single day
The scarf guy without a scarf
Does Everybody Go for Perfect 'Mons in Reborn?
ShatteredSkys replied to Sapp's topic in Team Showcase
I personally don't bother with EVs, I have enough trouble keeping my pokemon at a good level to worry about that. Like topicjan the only thing I'm really strict about is move pool and really bad IVs. -
In all honesty even though I began with Chikarita Aya was the easiest gym I faced.