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Everything posted by ShatteredSkys

  1. I've got a few Mr. Biggles my Garbador put in a ton of work during the early part of the game. It was key in beating ton of the tougher early gyms like Shade and Florina. However I later dropped it because weak armor. Wormadon ground, yes wormadon. In my my bug mono run wormadon ground has been pretty important. It is the only bug I had during the early game that could handle flying types. It has good phsical bulk and hit pretty decently during the early game. However its moves aren't really scaling well into the mid game... Nerveless still love my wormadon. Butterfree, I honestly don't know why I still have mine. I have a vivilion with hurricane which pretty much the same thing as butterfree but a little better. But despite this there are times where my butterfree actually outpreforms vivlion. I think its because of its ability tinted lens but anyway it was originally a pokemon I was going to box forever once I got vivilion but I'm quite happy it has become a staple on my team. Accelgor, I really did not think I would be keeping this guy on my team. I originally raised it to deal with Taka's floatzel but it quickly proved it self incredibly useful for dealing with rock types and is an absolute speed demon. Another pokemon I planned on boxing but instead became a main part of my team.
  2. Because it's better with the lights off? Anyway my favorite typing is steel, so many awesome pokemon and love the theme and defensive nature. After that I would have to say bug, flying, and normal.
  3. Thanks Unprofessional amatuer^_^ Do you mind if I borrow some of them for my pokemon hack? I think the steel and chess one would be nice to have. Also post 900!
  4. Or you can go spend some time in episode 9 pr 10 with a level 41 pickup pokemon, its still 1/100 i think but hey beats training a pokemon to level 81
  5. 11/10 I swear to god your avatars keep getting more kawaii every single time.
  6. Just finished Amagi Brilliant Park, it was pretty good. Does anyone know if it's still running? I just want to make sure. I want to try and watch Anohana the flower saw that day, I heard its pretty sad and my friend is going to murder me if i don't watch attack on titan, idk it really gets on my nerves how he always tries to get me to watch it.
  7. Aren't all pulse pokemon technically megas?
  8. Has anyone found a heartscale? I need one for my hitmonchan.
  9. ShatteredSkys


    Azurine island is after Cal :/ Try fighting Cal on raining days it'll soften his fire moves considerably.
  10. you can get sharp beak from wild spearows or dodous i think
  11. 0/10 because Crona is not useless, probably not a woman, and I have no idea who your avatar s .... .... .. ok fine 6.5/10
  12. As a guy who is doing mono-bug gl and if you need help there was a rather detailed post of a gu who did mono poison too you might be able to pick up some pointers from it.
  13. You can get both if you choose tema aqua too
  14. Cool welcome to reborn!! P.S. Have I met you on the forums before cause your sig looks very familiar.
  15. Hey!!!!! Wecome to Reborn! Not an otaku but I do spend a little to much time reading manga...... Anyway the community is overall pretty awesome so I think you'll fit right in, enjoy your stay! P.S. Leave that thing you call your sanity outside, you don't need it here P.S.S. This is to the other members, do we still do the *leave your sanity joke*? i've been out of loop in the grand hall for a very long time.
  16. i think your thnking about trevenent, last time I checked Gourgiest doesn't get harvest or horn leech.
  17. Yea I stopped doing that too it became a really big hassle after while good luck!
  18. So for a secret santa present i got a activation code for dragon age origins( Funny thing was it was on a receipt and I thought it was some promo code for the game and started ranting to the person next to me, derp). Anyway i don't really play games like this, the only video games i really play are LoL, Showdown, and the occasional nostalgia in runescape. So has anyone played this game? is it any good?
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