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About Chim

  • Birthday August 15

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    Traveling through the Ymora Region

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. Sure, I'll shoot you a PM.
  3. What I can offer: Shiny: Or just let me know what you want. I can breed a few others.
  4. My lover is also my rival. Promising... Quirk and job suck tho. Tried with my original nickname too. Perv best friend duo incoming!
  5. No not really. I'll request a trade in a min.
  6. I can help you with the Rhyhorn. Just let me know when you can trade.
  7. Chim

    LF Shiny Swablu

    I can trade you one. It's a level 1. I'm able to trade in like 6-7 hours from now or in the weekend.
  8. I have a female Dratini / Gible I can breed with if you want.
  9. Alright, I should be able to trade in 9 hours or so right before work. I'm looking for a female Salandit.
  10. In that case I'd like to trade the Magnemite. Let me know when you're available.
  11. I got Natu's but I'm not sure if they're what you're looking for since they're not shiny. Both of them have roost and haze.


    Holy shit I was on a nostalgia trip and suddenly saw you've been online recently! o.O


    Are you back? Do you still remember me? Jk just say you didn't even if you did to please my ego.

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