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Everything posted by Chim

  1. Sure, I'll shoot you a PM.
  2. What I can offer: Shiny: Or just let me know what you want. I can breed a few others.
  3. My lover is also my rival. Promising... Quirk and job suck tho. Tried with my original nickname too. Perv best friend duo incoming!
  4. No not really. I'll request a trade in a min.
  5. I can help you with the Rhyhorn. Just let me know when you can trade.
  6. Chim

    LF Shiny Swablu

    I can trade you one. It's a level 1. I'm able to trade in like 6-7 hours from now or in the weekend.
  7. I have a female Dratini / Gible I can breed with if you want.
  8. Alright, I should be able to trade in 9 hours or so right before work. I'm looking for a female Salandit.
  9. In that case I'd like to trade the Magnemite. Let me know when you're available.
  10. I got Natu's but I'm not sure if they're what you're looking for since they're not shiny. Both of them have roost and haze.


    Holy shit I was on a nostalgia trip and suddenly saw you've been online recently! o.O


    Are you back? Do you still remember me? Jk just say you didn't even if you did to please my ego.

  12. I'll take the Feebas. Username is Chim. Let me know when you're ready to trade.
  13. I'll take a Basculin. Just let me know when you can trade.
  14. I actually don't remember if rain dance negates burning field. I just remember I used Fake Out on the Illumise and my Slugma got one shot by the second mon or something. That Masquerain should have a water move. I set up electric terrain instead with Ampharos. Swoobat was also helpful in that battle. My team at that time: Swoobat / Ampharos / Hariyama / Slugma / Venusaur and a lvl 16 Lombre for Fake Out. What I advice: - Level Ampharos and Growlithe to 35. - Graveler won't do much since most of her mons are special attackers. Either get sturdy on it or only bring it in on the Anorith so you can smack down that thing. (Only if you know you kill the second mon before it can attack.) - If I remember correctly, Anorith has a seed. Don't attack it first turn since it works like a free protect turn 1. Give this seed to Growlithe as well so you are guaranteed to set the field on fire. - Replace Beautifly by a fast flying / fire type. Camerupt also murders half her team but it's slow. Trubbish can also be an option. Level it to 36 to evolve and get it back down to 35. It has toxic spikes for extra damage.) - Box Torterra for this fight and replace it with a fake out user to stop Illumise. (Meowth, Lombre, Espurr learn it early).
  15. She has other mons that set up rain dance. What other mons do you have in the pc?
  16. Does it have to be a specific nature? I got a few (IVs suck tho) but I can probably get a modest one if you give me some time.
  17. I can trade you a Chikorita, Bulbasaur and Tepig if you like.
  18. Forum name: Chim Showdown alt(s): Chimchain (I might not remember the password and end up with a new alt tho) Discord: Chim#9023 Availability*: During the week mostly between 6PM - 10PM and most of the weekend. (GMT + 1) Favourite type(s): Water, Dark, Steel Least favourite type(s): Fairy The last 4 digits on your credit card: 9696
  19. Mega Pinsir: 5 Mega Aerodactyl: 21 Mega Ampharos: 24 Mega Scizor: 26 Mega Heracross: 18 Mega Houndoom: 25 Mega Aggron: 24 Mega Manectric: 23 Mega Abomasnow: 9
  20. Haven't been here for some days and suddenly the Camel is dominating... Can't say I dislike it. Mega Beedrill: 26 Mega Pidgeot: 37 Mega Camerupt: 44 Mega Gallade: 47 Mega Diancie: 2
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