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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Chim

  1. Mega Beedrill: 23 Mega Pidgeot: 26 Mega Slowbro: 20 Mega Steelix: 18 Mega Sceptile: 23 Mega Swampert: 21 Mega Sableye: 18 Mega Sharpedo: 20 Mega Camerupt: 21 Mega Altaria: 22 Mega Glalie:20 Mega Salamence: 16 Mega Metagross: 10 Mega Latios: 18 Mega Latias: 18 Mega Rayquaza: 10 Mega Lopunny: 18 Mega Gallade: 23 Mega Audino: 12 Mega Diancie: 21
  2. Damn @NickCrash that's some patience to go and correct everything. Personally I couldn't be bothered. Mega Beedrill: 21 Mega Pidgeot: 23 Mega Slowbro: 20 Mega Steelix: 20 Mega Sceptile: 23 Mega Swampert: 21 Mega Sableye: 18 Mega Sharpedo: 20 Mega Camerupt: 21 Mega Altaria: 22 Mega Glalie:20 Mega Salamence: 16 Mega Metagross: 14 Mega Latios: 18 Mega Latias: 18 Mega Rayquaza: 12 Mega Lopunny: 18 Mega Gallade: 23 Mega Audino: 14 Mega Diancie: 21
  3. Johto: 10 Hoenn: 24 Sinnoh: 18 Almia: 14 Oblivia: 20 Unova: 22 Alola: 6 Orre: 3
  4. Nihilego: 9 Kartana : 4 Poipole: 9 Naganadel: 10 Stakataka: 13
  5. Cain: 26 Adrienn: 12 Amaria: 20 Aya: 23 Charlotte: 20 Ciel: 19 Corey: 9 Florinia: 29 Hardy: 30 Julia: 24 Kiki: 21 Luna: 20 Noel: 19 Samson: 20 Saphira: 19 Serra: 11 Shade: 30 Shelly: 30 Anna: 21 DJ Arclight: 16 Cal: 27 Laura: 23 Taka: 10 ZEL: 18
  6. Fairy is my least favorite type and I honestly don't like Gardevoir's design. I also tend to dislike the overhyped ones. My target list was: - Blaziken - Lucario (overhyped + broken) - Mewtwo X (not needed + ugly) - Zard X (again not needed but ngl I like the design) - Gardevoir I don't like Mawile either but I wanted to get rid of the unnecessary ones first. But truth to be told I went after Mawile exactly because of the reason you mentioned. Every single time someone hurts a fairy type or fairy leader there's nothing but bitching and whining. The types hurt and heal was weeks ago and yet it keeps coming back as a 'reason why'. It's getting old and annoying real fast. So either I leave Fairy's alone and save us from the salt and the whining or I get rid of them early to get it over with. Because no matter what, apparently we're not allowed to go after them. If you can't handle your favorites being targetted, stop playing imo. And get over it. Mega venusaur:15 Mega charizard x: 19 Mega charizard y :24 Mega alakazam: 18 Mega gengar:22 Mega kangaskhan: 18 Mega pinsir: 23 Mega aerodactyl:24 Mega mewtwo y:18 Mega ampharos: 13 Mega scizor: 18 Mega heracross: 22 Mega houndoom: 23 Mega tyranitar: 21 Mega mawile: 27 Mega aggron : 24 Mega manetric: 21 Mega banette: 16 Mega absol: 14 Mega lucario: 13 Mega abomasnow:18
  7. Let's praise the greatness that is Mega Pidgeot: Mega Beedrill - 20 Mega Pidgeot - 21 Mega Slowbro - 20 Mega Steelix - 20 Mega Sceptile - 22 Mega Swampert - 20 Mega Sableye - 18 Mega Sharpedo - 20 Mega Camerupt - 21 Mega Altaria - 21 Mega Glalie - 20 Mega Salamence - 18 Mega Metagross - 18 Mega Latios - 20 Mega Latias - 18 Mega Rayquaza - 16 Mega Lopunny - 20 Mega Gallade - 21 Mega Audino - 16 Mega Diancie - 22
  8. Did someone say slay fairies? Mega Venusaur: 15 Mega Charizard X: 22 Mega Charizard Y: 25 Mega Alakazam: 20 Mega Gengar: 23 Mega Kangaskhan :18 Mega Pinsir: 23 Mega Aerodactyl: 23 Mega Mewtwo Y: 18 Mega Ampharos: 13 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 22 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 21 Mega Mawile: 27 Mega Aggron: 24 Mega Manectric: 21 Mega Banette: 16 Mega Absol: 16 Mega Lucario: 13 Mega Abomasnow: 17
  9. Nihilego: 12 Kartana: 9 Poipole: 10 Naganadel: 10 Stakataka: 12
  10. Johto: 9 Hoenn: 23 Sinnoh: 19 Almia: 14 Oblivia: 20 Unova: 24 Alola: 8 Orre: 5
  11. Cain: 25 Adrienn: 12 Amaria: 20 Aya: 22 Charlotte: 26 Ciel: 19 Corey: 15 Florinia: 30 Hardy: 30 Julia: 24 Kiki: 21 Luna: 22 Noel: 19 Samson: 19 Saphira: 18 Serra: 11 Shade: 30 Shelly: 29 Anna: 21 DJ Arclight: 16 Cal: 26 Laura: 22 Taka: 15 ZEL: 18 Solaris: 4
  12. Azery ignored my vote. Should kick his ass for it tbh. Mega Venusaur: 15 Mega Charizard X: 23 Mega Charizard Y: 24 Mega Alakazam: 20 Mega Gengar: 23 Mega Kangaskhan: 18 Mega Pinsir: 22 Mega Aerodactyl: 25 Mega Mewtwo Y: 18 Mega Ampharos: 13 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 22 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 21 Mega Gardevoir: 5 Mega Mawile: 28 Mega Aggron: 22 Mega Medicham: 6 Mega Manectric: 21 Mega Banette: 16 Mega Absol: 16 Mega Lucario: 12 Mega Abomasnow: 17
  13. Cain: 25 Adreinn: 14 (tf?) Amaria: 19 Aya: 21 Charolette: 25 (tf?) Ciel: 20 Corey: 17 Florina: 28 Hardy: 30 Julia: 23 Kiki: 21 Luna: 21 Noel: 19 Radomus: 7 Samson: 20 Saphira: 21 Serra: 13 Shade: 30 Shelly: 31 Anna: 21 Dj archlight: 16 Cal: 25 El: 2 Laura: 22 Taka: 12 Zel: 18 Solaris: 8
  14. Johto:9 Hoenn:23 Sinnoh:19 Almia:16 Oblivia:20 Unova:22 Alola:8 Orre:9
  15. Did someone say war? Nihilego: 12 Kartana: 8 Poipole: 11 Naganadel: 12 Stakataka: 15
  16. Mega Venusaur: 17 Mega Charizard X: 23 Mega Charizard Y: 24 Mega Alakazam: 20 Mega Gengar: 23 Mega Kangaskhan: 18 Mega Pinsir: 22 Mega Aerodactyl: 25 Mega Mewtwo Y: 18 Mega Ampharos: 13 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 22 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 21 Mega Gardevoir: 5 Mega Mawile: 27 Mega Aggron: 22 Mega Medicham: 6 Mega Manectric: 21 Mega Banette: 16 Mega Absol: 16 Mega Lucario: 12 Mega Abomasnow: 17
  17. @Dragoknight missed @walpurgis list. The correct list: Mega Venusaur: 17 Mega Charizard X: 24 Mega Charizard Y: 25 Mega Alakazam: 20 Mega Gengar: 22 Mega Kangaskhan: 18 Mega Pinsir: 22 Mega Aerodactyl: 25 Mega Mewtwo Y: 18 Mega Ampharos: 13 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 22 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 21 Mega Gardevoir: 10 Mega Mawile: 28 Mega Aggron: 22 Mega Medicham: 6 Mega Manectric: 22 Mega Banette: 16 Mega Absol: 16 Mega Lucario: 13 Mega Abomasnow: 17
  18. Nihilego: 12 Kartana: 13 Poipole: 14 Naganadel: 12 Stakataka: 14
  19. Let's stall this one Johto: 9 Hoenn: 22 Fiore: 22 Sinnoh: 18 Almia: 18 Oblivia: 20 Unova: 23 Alola: 11 Orre: 12
  20. Cain: 23 Adrienn: 14 Amaria: 20 Aya: 21 Charlotte: 27 Ciel: 20 Corey: 18 Florinia: 28 Hardy: 29 Julia: 21 Kiki: 21 Luna: 20 Noel: 19 Radomus: 9 Samson: 20 Saphira: 19 Serra: 15 Shade: 30 Shelly: 31 Anna: 21 DJ Arclight: 16 Cal: 28 El: 10 Laura: 22 Taka: 16 ZEL: 17 Solaris: 11
  21. Mega Venusaur: 17 Mega Charizard X: 24 Mega Charizard Y: 24 Mega Alakazam: 20 Mega Gengar: 22 Mega Kangaskhan: 18 Mega Pinsir: 22 Mega Aerodactyl: 24 Mega Mewtwo Y: 18 Mega Ampharos: 13 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 22 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 23 Mega Gardevoir: 10 Mega Mawile: 27 Mega Aggron: 21 Mega Medicham: 10 Mega Manectric: 23 Mega Banette: 16 Mega Absol: 16 Mega Garchomp: 4 Mega Lucario: 13 Mega Abomasnow: 17
  22. I've been casually healing the man. Cain: 23 Victoria: 5 Adrienn: 14 Amaria: 18 Aya: 21 Charlotte: 26 Ciel: 20 Corey: 17 Florinia: 28 Hardly: 26 Julia: 21 Kiki: 21 Luna: 20 Noel: 19 Radomus: 11 Samson: 19 Saphira: 20 Serra: 14 Shade: 30 Shelly: 30 Terra: 7 Anna: 21 DJ Arclight: 16 Cal: 27 El: 12 Laura: 22 Taka: 19 ZEL: 21 Solaris: 15
  23. Nihilego: 15 Kartana: 14 Poipole: 17 Naganadel: 12 Stakataka: 13
  24. Johto: 9 Sevii Islands: 0 Hoenn: 22 Fiore: 22 Sinnoh: 19 Almia: 18 Oblivia: 20 Unova: 23 Alola: 11 Orre: 13
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