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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zetaark

  1. Fey to K22, engage poking stick Mim, toss Bolas at Myrm B
  2. "Not gonna lie, surprised you're sticking this one out. Can't say I hate it. And hey, maybe you'll hit those one in a million odds. Though I wonder whether there's something else you'd like to use that on. Any thoughts," Fey jokes with Famine as she starts swinging her newly acquired bolas. Fey to L-2, tie up Famine with a few bolas
  3. Move over to L-15, introduce archer to the blade of a hatchet.
  4. "A few tricks up my sleeve never hurt anyone...well except my enemies but that's the point right? Fey gets access to Hidden
  5. "Mmm, I guess you get used to it? Its certainly a sight the first time around, but once you've been sailing around on it for a few years its not quite as special as the first time around. Though..." Fey remarks while muttering before she takes a long look at the ocean. "I suppose in a way it does feel like coming home. It's a strange feeling, but its not bad." Fey states before nodding as if to affirm something to herself.
  6. "Looks to me that today's 'mission' doesn't involve fighting. Also haven't you ever seen a swimsuit before?" Fey jokingly asks as she comes in, seeing the others setting up a trip to get swimsuits. "Speaking of which, you might need to get one as well. Something tells me you probably don't have one yourself," Fey remarks, looking over at Shin.
  7. Fey being towards the side noticed Ferdiad, and also caught sight of him drawing his blade. While she doesn't know much about Ferdiad or the feelings that drive him, she would think that the situation at hand would lead him to at least pause for a moment. However, it was clear what his aim was, and that nothing in his way was likely to stop him. It was also clear that Mim would do whatever she could to protect Lucy. She's always gone out of her way to take care of the people she cares about, and won't quit even if it kills her. Fey can't help but grin a little at the expected but brave action. Its the sort of thing she expects, and she wouldn't want Mim to be any other way. But she has a job to do. She's here for a reason, and nothing will get in her way either. "Regardless of your personal feelings or thoughts on the situation, I'm going to need you to calm down for a second." Fey growls as she moves between Mim and Ferdiad, axe in hand to stop his charge.
  8. Drawn in by the commotion, Fey also arrives at the scene, takes a glance around, and shrugs. "Well here's an unexpected guest. You coming around here by yourself, or are there any of your friends around?" Fey decides to ask, seeing what other information she can grab.
  9. "Why do you care about that sword so much anyhow? Special gift or something? Not that it matters too much," Fey mutters, wondering if he even used the thing. After mulling about how to shut Darcy up, Fey comes up with an idea. "Well, the way i see it, a hard smack in the head with an axe should be able to knock most people out. Rose, want to do the honors?" Fey asks, holding up her axe to be used.
  10. "Death's too good for him. That and having to deal with actually cleaning up the mess of ousting a king sounds like a pain that I'm not qualified to deal with. Also I'm not sure we'd all have the time to make sure things don't burn to the ground after we leave," Fey mutters as she moves towards Darcy, still a bit injured. "That being said, taking him hostage gives us a few options, and maybe he can cough up some interesting info on the way. Who can say" Fey shrugs as she waits for the final decision.
  11. "Hate to tell you this, but it looks like your road to success has a pitfall in it. One that I'm more than happy to push you in all things considered," Fey remarks as she sends a hatchet Darcy's way. Move to F4, Hatchet Darcy
  12. Fey looks on with a slight grin as she sees Mim doing what she does best as she moves forward. She stops in front of the dancers before looking over to the one Mim is talking to. "For the record, the people who end up agreeing to take her hand don't tend to regret it. Just saying." Move to F6
  13. "No hard feelings, but go down," After Ferdy vacates, L13, bodybag the Cav D with a hatchet
  14. Move to I11, introduce Mage to the broad side of a hatchet.
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