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Everything posted by Zetaark

  1. "What's wrong with Rose as a name? Sounds perfectly fine to me. A name doesn't have to be long and complicated for it to be effective you know," Fey responds to Tabitha's statement as she moves a bit towards her.
  2. "Hah, so in the end it turns out like this huh? Not that I'm terribly surprised after all of this and knowing how Mim is. Whatever, doesn't change why I'm around," Fey sighs before shrugging and walking next to Mim. "Guess I'll go by Golden Eye. Someone has to look out for this one after all. As for skills, I can handle a boat pretty well I suppose, not that that's all too important right at this moment," Fey remarks, ending with a laugh.
  3. Fey gives the self-proclaimed leader of Virtuous a look over before shrugging. "Whatever. So long as you don't actively try to start anything, I'll leave you be. At the very least, it seems that this theater troupe's leader has a level head, so good on you for that. Name's Fey by the way," Fey tells the man, introducing herself also while she has the chance. "Now about...Shin? Ficus? Whatever you want to call him. I understand that he's an adult who can make decisions but well..." Fey pauses before whispering to him. "Look, do you have any complaints about him taking a compulsory dip in a lake? Its for the good of everyone involved."
  4. Seeing the masked man getting frisky with Mim, Fey decides to step into matters. "Oi. For the record, our side here also ended up getting through our own fights before we met up with you. And besides, for someone saying to get the whole story before getting angry, you sure got to snapping back fast. Personally I'm indifferent to your little theater troupe, but if that guy is seriously like that still after your supposed attempts to clean him, I'm lead to wonder how much you tried," Fey remarks in an indifferent tone before glaring at the masked man. "And for the record, if you end up trying to do anything to Mim, you answer to me. Are we clear?" Fey says to Baldur in a cold tone. "Sheesh, today has been something else," Fey mutters under her breath, recalling the prior incidents that came up.
  5. Fey promotes to Pirate!Promotion Bonuses: HP +1, STR +3, MAG +0, SKL +1, LUK +0, DEF +0, RES +0, SPD +2, CON +3, AID +3, MOV 5New Pref Stats: SPD, HPNew Class Skills: Sea Walk The Pirate can traverse and end their turn on Water Terrain, at a cost of 2 MOV per tile, where other units can’t without flying. Rapid Strike When attacking the Pirate can choose to do an extra attack at the end of the normal order, but this extra attack deals half damage and all attacks have -20 Hit penalty. This doesn’t affect the enemy’s attacks.New Personal Skill:First Impressions: If attacking an enemy unit for the first time, +15 hitNew Weapon Profs:Throwing (C), Axe (D)+5% growth to LUK
  6. Coming along with Mim, Fey also approaches Shin and takes note of his appearance and atmosphere. "Well, either you're the guy who handles stable duty or you're just the neglected one of the bunch. Not sure which really," she says with a pause before thinking a bit. "Hey Mim, if we throw him in a pond for a bit, think it might get a bit better?"
  7. "Heh, what a silly man. Couldn't even defend himself in the end. Nice shot Mim," Fey laughs at the circumstances of the prison warden before congratulating her friend.
  8. "Yep, definitely a theater troupe," Fey shrugs before giving Ganymede a piece of her axe. D2, smack him with a hatchet.
  9. "Man there are a lot of theatrics today. Do you guys double as a performance troupe?" Fey wonders as she moves forward. C5
  10. "Hmm? Sure thanks, good work," Fey says to Tabitha before patting her head and moving forward, while also noticing the scene by the door. "What's up with all the theatrics today, isn't it a bit much?" Fey mutters to herself in a confused, but still interested tone. Move to B8
  11. "Defenses set. Now for an offensive," Ritsu mutters as she begins her charge towards her target. Prey on the weak on Marisa for 4d4 +STR(10) + (1* #status ailments on Marisa)d8+1d4 +12(Session) + Rocket Charge effect Rocket Charge The charging action deals 50% more damage, and stuns the victim for a round. This ability has a 9 round cooldown.
  12. "The heck is this mess? Was that quip really something to get mad about?" Fey wonders seeing Crimson explode the way he did. "I smell a story behind this. I'll get Mim to poke him about it later," she whispers to herself as she moves closer to the girl in question. G13
  13. "So light is your element, good for me. Time to see how the new barrier functions," Ritsu announces with a chuckle as she starts up her elemental barriers. Augmented Shield on Empi and Isobel to reduce [Light] damage by 30% for 3 turns
  14. "Is it just me or did you end up finding a new friend Mim?" she chuckles observing her and Crimson's interaction as she prepares another axe. Give Fighter E the boulder toss, but with a hatchet.
  15. "That reminds me, where was Chise supposed to get transferred to? She somehow ended up on my doorstep without explanation, and I have no idea whether its someone forgetting to tell me or sending things to the wrong address. Also, have fun with the card, just don't break anything too much," Sasha asks after hearing about Chise's situation a bit, along with an approval to mess with the card.
  16. "Barriers online. Hikari, I'll be covering you for a bit," she states as she warps in front of Hikari to intercept attacks for her. Intervention to top of init ladder, Guardian's Roar on Hikari (Attacks to Hikari are redirected to Ritsu, 30% damage reduction to Ritsu (2 turns))
  17. Perk| Augmented Magic Core: Light Magic (If not valid, then basic attack on Marisa for for 2d4+ STR(10) + 1d4 + 12(Session)) Augmented Magic Core: Ritsu’s design allows for her to absorb selected types of magic for a short time. By calibrating herself, she can select a magical element to absorb, causing 50% of incoming damage of that type to be absorbed for three turns. This is considered a full action and cannot be used with other actions outside of intervention or other outside effects.
  18. Out of range of the monk's magic, Idei manages to fire off a clean shot at them. Myrdwyn and the knight exchange blows, causing both of them to exhaust themselves, but with the knight's armor being a bit more worse for wear. (Quality crits) Cheat Sheet
  19. "I'll give it a shot, sure," Fey remarks with a grin. N13, hatchet the mage.
  20. "Oh what kind of multilayered crap is this?" Sasha groans after seeing what sort of situation the group is in. Luckily, Immanuel seems to be trying to make an out, so Sasha decides to provide some cover so that the others can do their thing. Rapid shot [3] the bayonet volley and attempt to speed into Pauline with the mighty bike, ducking a bit to prevent sweeping shenanigans.
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