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Everything posted by Zetaark
Electromagnetic Barrier on Ritsu and Rory Electromagic Barrier- Ritsu creates a small field of electric energy around herself and one allied unit, granting 55% damage reduction from 4 projectile attacks. This counter goes down regardless of who was targeted. This ability does not stack. (5 turn cooldown)
"Now let's try this again, I'm still bitter." N9, toss axe at Mage D
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"Well, guess I should make use of this chance." O10, smack a fighter
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"Looks like we're getting an early pardon. I won't complain," Fey says with a shrug as she sets her sights on one of the mages. N9, hatchet the mage
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"This should be a trip," Fey mutters as she gets acclimated to her new weapon. N8 Kane to M27
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FEF: The Lost Lands [IC Thread]
Zetaark replied to Twinwolf's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"Looks like things are moving quite fast. Better not get completely left behind,"Yuel mutters as she tries to not lose pace completely with her companions. Move to D23- 430 replies
- lost lands
- ic
(and 1 more)
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"Well one can hope we can get out of here. Seriously though, this place seems to have gotten real gung-ho about throwing people in jail for whatever they want. Notorious pirate terror my ass," Fey remarks to the girl who bumped into her, while muttering the last bit so that no one else could here.
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"It seems you could use a little cover for a moment," Ritsu replies as she begins to defend Masako from any attacks coming their way. Intervention into top of Init ladder, then use Guardians Roar on Masako. Barrier field activates in response. Guardian’s Roar: Ritsu designates an allied unit and releases a powerful roar, redirecting attacks from the allied unit to Ritsu and reducing incoming damage by 30% for 2 turns Designated target: Masako Barrier Field: The generator produces a powerful shield with no damage reduction, and hit points equal to 3 times the user’s intelligence (30). Whenever the wearer uses an action that protects an ally, the barrier field activates until their next turn. All damage dealt to the wearer or that ally hits the barrier first, and only affects the wearer or the ally they are defending if it breaks through. When not in use, the barrier regenerates hit points equal to the wearer’s intelligence plus their level every round. If the barrier is broken, it cannot be used for 6 rounds. However, it still regenerates during that time.
[IC] Tengoku no Owari CT, Chapter 1.2
Zetaark replied to Empiricist's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"Looks like we're doing card game shenanigans again," Sasha remarks as she notes the creatures coming around and the words which reminded her of a previous encounter. Summoning her bike in gear, she tries to ride past Pauline, though also making note to try and avoid some of the buildings. She's not entirely sure what those marks are, but she'd rather not run into them carelessly. "Remind me to check the rules of this game later. I feel like it might make life easier somehow." -
[IC] Tengoku no Owari CT, Chapter 1.2
Zetaark replied to Empiricist's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"And of course we don't get any breaks. That would be too simple," Sasha says as she starts trying to avoid the beams of light and firing some potshots at Theurgia. They're mostly probing shots, while Sasha tries warping the space around her to see what sort of place this even is, and whether or not she can connect it to where they should be. -
Ritsu in her current state was in her more defensive form, but with the extent of the enemy's abilities unclear, she decided to utilize some offense until proper defensive measures were weighed and utilized. For now, she would observe, and make her decisive move later. Basic attack on Fairy swarm A for 1d4+ STR(10) + 1d4
Fire Emblem on the Forums: Sea of Crossroads [IC]
Zetaark replied to krim's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
(Poor mage got to be the first crit of the year, go him!) [Enemy Phase] Monk 4 Moves to O8 and attacks Selia One of the monks decides to strike at the injured nun, who doesn't see the strike in time, and goes down. Monk 5 Moves to O16 and attacks Madante The monk strikes down the captain with two orbs of light that Madante is unable to avoid. Pegasus Knight 6 Moves to Q13, attacks Helena, and cantos to N13 The pegasus knight rides in and strikes the mage with their lance. Helena tries to retaliate, but between the knight making their escape and her injuries, she just barely misses her strike. [Ally Phase] Helena Moves to P13 and attacks Pegasus Knight 6 with Elwind Frustrated with her string of misses, Helena decides to take her revenge on the pegasus knight, taking them out of the sky with a burst of wind. Turn 6 Shield of Agony fades Emilee heals 3HP Cheat Sheet: -
"Well this certainly wasn't what i had expected as far as combat, but I suppose stranger things have happened," Ritsu, still in her transformed state, mutters as she teleports into the air just a bit. She admittedly isn't quite sure on the whole jumping up and flying bit, but warping into the air as a start would get her airborne, and she can probably manage from there.
Ritsu took note of the newspapers and noted the date, though she got the feeling that not much of the information would be of use. Rather, she was more surprised that they even were legible and not just dust going by their appearance. Regardless, she moved on from that to hear about this danmaku. "That certainly sounds interesting, but perhaps it might also be a bit of fun," Ritsu remarks before considering something. After focusing for a moment, Ritsu's ears and tail seem to become even more catlike and exaggerated, and her hands almost begin to look like paws of a cat than human hands. "Hmm, so this is how it is here. A bit strange, but I suppose it works," Ritsu mutters as she looks over herself in her transformed state.
"Is that right?" Ritsu asks Chen in a somewhat curious tone as she looks around. Seeing that the mansion had vanished and hearing about the beings that existed around here, Ritsu became more and more reminded of home. Though clearly there were some differences given how her body changed upon coming here, there were enough similarities to make her feel almost comfortable. "The more I see here, the more this place reminds me of home a bit. It's almost relaxing, though," Ritsu remarks, her own cat ears twitching a bit as she observes the area. "A graveyard hmm? Seems to be an odd place to have one given how the area is supposed to be dangerous. Though I guess it makes sense in a way," Ritsu says with a hum, before taking a quick scan of the graves to try and find anything interesting. Ritsu scans the graveyard area for any hidden objects. Magitech Scanners grant a+2 bonus
"I couldn't say. I had a few duties at the manor in which I worked, and a fair amount of the duties I performed might be in demand. That being said, this excursion has been useful in developing a few different skillsets, so perhaps I can leverage that for a raise should I return home," Ritsu chuckles, thinking about how the others would react to her development.
"I see. That must be hard to deal with, though I get the feeling that if things went this far off, there may not be much compensation pay I'm afraid," Ritsu remarks, wondering how a matchmaker got roped into this in the first place. Though thinking about it, there are some strange occurrences that tend to happen in these worlds, so maybe the skillset will come in handy somewhere. "Well, at the very least, given the nature of the multiverse, you're bound to find one place where you can more properly do work in your own field. Probably,"
"It seems like we'll be taking on this job of yours. Likely better to do it now than deal with whatever your methods for 'encouraging cooperation may entail," Ritsu replies, tail swaying back and forth a bit. Taking a glance at those around, she saw some familiar faces, but others still she did not know as well. As she went to take a glance at the map, her attention was grabbed by the fairy who she didn't know very well. "Out of curiosity, what are you paid for?" Ritsu decides to ask, deciding that learning about the people she'll be working will be worthwhile...probably.
"As it happens, my original design was made to allow me to handle various forms of external stimuli for the tasks I was meant to perform. Though some of the design choices were questionable at best, it essentially means that the amount of sensation I feel normally and the amount I feel now isn't very different." Ritsu explains as she sways her own body around. The feeling of her own body as a more fleshy one did feel slightly odd, but that was more an issue of how she felt rather than a processing error. "Don't worry LOTUS, it may take some time and a bit of effort, but you should be able to manage eventually. For now though, it appears that someone will be able to help you in the meantime," Ritsu chuckles again seeing Isobel attempt to calm LOTUS.
Ritsu, for her part, didn't mind the sudden shift into a new space, and befitting her appearance as a cat, she managed to manage the landings on both counts. Looking towards the now present manor, Ritsu is filled with a sudden sense of nostalgia. "A manor hmm? Almost reminds me of home. I hope the others are managing in my absence. I worry that certain tasks may not be performed properly without my supervision," Ritsu mutters, before an outburst catches her attention. Turning her attention to it, she witnesses firsthand the change in LOTUS. "Oh my, this is a development. The tablet has become a fairy. How...cute," Ritsu remarks, trying and failing to hold in her laughter. She briefly notices that she herself feels a bit more fleshy than normal, and that her voice sounds a bit more like a normal person. She takes a mental note of that fact before turning her attention to LOTUS. "Well, I'm sure the feeling of a new body must be quite a change for you, but you should certainly be able to adapt right?" Ritsu jokingly asks LOTUS.
[IC] Tengoku no Owari CT, Chapter 1.2
Zetaark replied to Empiricist's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"Well, looks like everyone is handling things just fine. Good for them," Sasha muses, not having done that much due to her stealthing approach. Well she did blow up that one room earlier which definitely contributed, so she felt fine with that. In the meantime, she decided to focus her attention on what Chise was doing. "So is this something you've always been able to do, or did we have to weaken the fort first. Also this thing isn't going to cause problems for me later is it?" -
[IC] Tengoku no Owari CT, Chapter 1.2
Zetaark replied to Empiricist's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Seeing that the situation has changed, Sasha decides that staying evasive and counterfiring whatever it is Cu does is the best course of action. That can keep Chise focusing on her objective and hopefully keep everyone else from not biting the dust.