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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zetaark

  1. I hope that they won't be absolutely silly with decision making. Meanwhile support convos gone awry. Actually sort of interested to see how this goes.
  2. Having observed the little...interruption that occurred, Ecquis chuckled a bit after seeing Mayanna's expression towards Klaren's arrival. They must not be on good terms. Ill ask about it later, Ecquis thought. For now though, he had to simply see how this interaction would play out between the pair. That being said, he wasn't too pleased about the sudden interruption.
  3. Ecquis noticed the pained expression that Mayanna had after she told him about her home. Something must have happened to make her have this reaction. As if noticing this, Morgan rubs her head on Mayanna as an attempt to comfort her. "Did something happen to your home? I understand if you don't want to say anything about it now but...I'll be here to listen if you ever want to talk with someone about it," Ecquis remarked. Ecquis wasn't entirely sure what may have happened, but he decided that he would listen to her, or at the very least respect her wishes if she declined to say anything.
  4. "Well, one of the benefits to having a couple wyverns is that you can carry a lot of stuff with you. At least from the start anyhow. I had gathered up a few things before I was forced to leave, but there wasn't much time to. I was put on rather short notice really. Three days before my birthday actually." Ecquis answered back. His past didn't hold too much in the way of dark secrets. Some of it however was not an enjoyable one. "Now that I think about it, in 3 days it will have been 9 years. Nine years since I had to leave. Hard to imagine how I managed that. The only thing around my home was the mountain border between Dragao and Yukihana. Dragao wasn't a good place for me to go, so I had to manage my way through to Yukihana. The set of supplies I brought only lasted a few months, but I had a small bit of knowledge of edible plants and hunting. Not enough to survive on, but enough to get me from town to town," he continued, petting Cynthia in the process. Thinking back, he didn't regret his decisions. His journey had taken him to many places, and he was able to learn quite a bit. "If you're willing, what was your home like? Provided its a story you're willing to share as well." he asked Mayanna.
  5. "Oh? Counting the two you see here, I have 5 wyverns in total. I would call the rest down, but that may get a bit overwhelming," Ecquis answered. It was very rare for him to see anyone genuinely curious about his mounts. Only two other people ever expressed any sort of interest that Mayanna has shown. The rest... "My...the place I once called home actually had a group of people who had wyverns that would be given off to various soldiers. Since those people were...my parents, I was able to be around them for a bit of time," Ecquis started before taking a pause. He never thought much about the place he called home. Granted, it has been quite some time since he had to leave, but still. "Cynthia in particular was a strange case. Not too many people in that town were keen on albino wyverns. They tended to think of it more as a curse than anything else. Because of that nobody would ever take her. That just meant that I could get closer to her over the years but..." Ecquis paused again. He hadn't told this story to very many people, and his time in Dragao certainly didn't help matters much. It didn't help that this wasn't one of the best memories he had. "Well, in the end, I managed to have Cynthia and the others as my personal mounts. Though the cost of that was a place to call home." Ecquis finally muttered.
  6. Ecquis ended up walking over to Mayanna and Morgan, the latter enjoying the attention she was getting. "It's nice to see someone willing to appreciate wyverns you know. They are quite colorful as well, with either blue, green, red, or black scales," Ecquis recounts, being familiar with wyverns and their biology. "Besides that..." Ecquis pauses. He considers for a moment how Mayanna would respond to what he wanted to show her. But, seeing as how Morgan is getting along with her, he decides that it should be fine. With that, Ecquis makes a distinct whistling sound. After a pause, another wyvern comes flying down to the ground. Unlike normal wyverns however, this one had no colored scales, instead having pure white scales. The wyvern makes its descent and walks behind Ecquis, wary of the girl in front of him. "This is Cynthia. One of the few albino wyverns around."
  7. "My name is Ecquis. The wyvern besides me is Morgan," he states, having dismounted to introduce himself. Having done that, Morgan started to fly off a bit towards Mayanna. I guess she wants to get back to her petting session. That's fine then, Ecquis thinks to himself. "So, if you're supposed to be the true heir, I suppose that means Maris and her troops intended to prevent you from taking power. Does anyone else know about this? Your lineage I mean," he asks Saffron. Ecquis never found himself observing royal power struggles before, but he could likely guess from some smaller scale examples he had seen through his travels.
  8. "Yes, I'm glad that all of you were able to manage yourselves," Ecquis said to the trio. Morgan made a grunt of agreement in addition. "What exactly were they chasing you for anyways. They referred to you as criminals if i recall. What crime could have brought all that attention onto you?"
  9. Wind sword is actually just anima damage, not specifically wind apparently. So I take no bonus damage. Horay
  10. TBH we'll probs be fine. It's just a matter of actually dealing with things and such you know.
  11. Unfortunately, Pious Veil isn't enough to save you. So uhh, yeah. Have fun with that
  12. You would have to attack last cause otherwise Maris will prooooooobably kill you outright. he should have allowed it just this once.
  13. Well if we take out Maris that's it so yeah. The others are just there as reinforcements or some such things.
  14. With Meredith healed up, Ecquis had to consider his options. Both Mayanna and Meredith had decent points in regards to how to proceed. If we grouped up, both sides would be able to recover slightly, while pressing on could finish this. Of course, if everyone else backed up, who's to say Maris wouldn't go straight towards the trio by the river. That wouldn't end well for them or us. "If we regroup, its possible that Maris' attention may go back to that trio. That won't end well for those three at all. I say we deal with them now," Ecquis noted. With that, Ecquis flew over to engage the knight. "Have those three really done anything warranting a crime I wonder?" he asks before striking. Moves to Q4 and attacks Maris (Supported by Rosa)
  15. The 1 RES point for Meredith was the most clutch out of everything. RNG is being kind. Now if Rosa moves close enough to me and I crit Maris...
  16. Having been roused from her earlier session, Morgan was primarily interested in finishing this as soon as possible. Ecquis could sense this, and decided to make this fight a very quick one. With that, Ecquis focused only on one stroke. "Now then Morgan, shall we deal with this little distraction?" he asks his mount. In response, Morgan flew straight towards the poor Cavalier and grabbed him clean off his horse. Morgan then proceeded to fly in a loop back down to the ground. Rather than carry the screaming soldier to slam him into the ground, she decided to fling him into the air. Once the wyvern rider pair looped back towards the ground, Morgan shot straight up, Ecquis with halberd in hand, posed to strike through the falling soldier. "Well then my good man, I'm afraid this little trip in the air will be your last. Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted," Ecquis remarks before impaling the falling Cavalier with his halberd through the heart. As the pair landed to the ground, Morgan let out a screeching roar as Ecquis hurled the corpse of the cavalier towards the horse he was previously riding. "Now then Morgan, shall we continue?"
  17. Having been re-energized, Ecquis decided to scan through the rest of the battlefield. To be frank, their job is coming to an end. Most of the enemy forces have been taken out, and the stranger trio seemed to be safe. Ecquis looks towards the cavalier in front of him, and decides to make him the next target. "Alright Morgan, looks like we have one more job to do," Ecquis states to his mount, currently enjoying the attention she is receiving from Mayanna. Morgan makes a displeased groan in response, not quite willing to get up from her current position.. "Oh don't worry Morgan. Once the fight is over Mayanna can pet you all you want," he responds back. That seems to motivate Morgan to take attention to their new target. Moves to R1 and attacks Cavalier 5.
  18. Morgain chirps and leans her head in for Mayanna to pet her. She also spreads her wings out a bit, exposing the green scales enveloping them. Ecquis laughs, amused at seeing Morgan in the state that she's in. "Yes, wyverns are quite wonderful creatures to see up close. While some may not agree, I for one think that they are magnificent creatures," Ecquis remarks. It had been a while since someone had expressed interest at the mounts that he had with him. Not since his time in Caelum really. Dragao's people weren't too fond of wyverns, but he was glad to see that there were people still interested in them. "Well it seems like Morgan is enjoying this quite a bit. So long as the enemy forces don't get too close, I don't think either of us mind if you continue your petting," Ecquis states. Morgan adds in a roar of agreement, stretching her wings out towards Mayanna.
  19. "Nice to have you around again Mayanna," Ecquis remarked towards the approaching sister. Morgan also chirped towards her as well, equally happy to see her. "Well now, Morgan isn't usually this friendly with people she hasn't met before. I suppose you helping us out earlier made her take a liking to you," Ecquis states. Most of his wyverns are rather wary towards other individuals. Mira is certainly more friendly than the others, but Morgan isn't one to take too much of a shine to others very quickly. Still, Ecquis figured that this would be beneficial for future endeavors, so he encouraged it a bit. "So Mayanna, have you had any experience with wyverns before?"
  20. So after looking through affinities, I realized that my best supports in terms of boosts are actually Rosa and Klaren because dodge is a useless stat for me. I also found out that at higher support ranks with Rosa, our base crit gets a little silly.
  21. Soldier 4 will be missed

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