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Everything posted by Zetaark

  1. So I'm going to be hopping on the pbe to mess with Malz, so I'll see what I think of him now. Initial thoughts are that his passive is just stupid strong.
  2. Much appreciation to the squid man who I occasionally have chatted with during my time here. Here's to some more good times.
  3. Poll done, thanks to all who aided me

  4. If you could, please answer these two polls for an assignment that I have. http://strawpoll.me/7075373 http://strawpoll.me/7075383

  5. For those who didn't know, my birthday was yesterday, and as such, I went to the League of Legends LCS. Was fun also rip my voice
  6. currently at na LC expect a picture in soon

  7. Also from what I can tell, astolfo won't be leaving the gacha. Which means he will always be around. Isn't that great?
  8. [17:15:15] @LidаRоsе - Ⓝⓞ_ⓓⓘⓢⓣⓤⓡⓑ: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilver! [17:15:19] +Astyreia: uh correct [17:15:25] @LidаRоsе - Ⓝⓞ_ⓓⓘⓢⓣⓤⓡⓑ: Hi +Milk and Oreon joined; +ShаdowStar left [17:15:46] +Milk and Oreon: connection pls [17:16:05] +Milk and Oreon: oh is that Astra [17:16:07] +Milk and Oreon: hi o/ [17:16:23] +Astyreia: the fuck is this [17:16:29] +Astyreia: who're you [17:16:35] Inno: Hey, Silver. [17:16:39] +Milk and Oreon: :[[[[ [17:17:42] Zeтaark: hello based silver [17:17:55] +EternalEdge: Hey guys [17:18:01] Inno: Heya, Edge! [17:18:02] +EternalEdge: remember when Silver said she's never coming back to Reborn [17:18:04] +EternalEdge: :^) [17:18:05] &Godojira: Hey Edge. [17:18:14] &Godojira: She came back quite a few times. [17:18:18] Zeтaark: I mean edge [17:18:18] @LidаRоsе - Ⓝⓞ_ⓓⓘⓢⓣⓤⓡⓑ: Edge, shut up. Silver came back because she missed me [17:18:30] +EternalEdge: Rose shut up, she gave me permission to give her shit [17:18:32] +EternalEdge: =( [17:18:39] @LidаRоsе - Ⓝⓞ_ⓓⓘⓢⓣⓤⓡⓑ: No, you shut up Edge [17:18:42] @LidаRоsе - Ⓝⓞ_ⓓⓘⓢⓣⓤⓡⓑ: :c [17:18:43] +EternalEdge: NO YOU [17:18:45] @LidаRоsе - Ⓝⓞ_ⓓⓘⓢⓣⓤⓡⓑ: YOU [17:18:51] Zeтaark: just kiss and make up [17:18:52] +Astyreia: i did give him permission [17:18:53] +EternalEdge: I thought you wanted ot not be disturbed, HUH? [17:18:56] @LidаRоsе - Ⓝⓞ_ⓓⓘⓢⓣⓤⓡⓑ: ZETA [17:19:00] +Astyreia: i've also only been back once, nice try [17:19:01] +EternalEdge: LOL ZETA [17:19:01] • Inno slaps Zetaark. [17:19:08] @LidаRоsе - Ⓝⓞ_ⓓⓘⓢⓣⓤⓡⓑ: And no, I don't want to be disturbed right now [17:19:08] Smits - ⓡⓔ-ⓦⓞⓡⓚ: I agree wit Zet [17:19:14] @LidаRоsе - Ⓝⓞ_ⓓⓘⓢⓣⓤⓡⓑ: Jacze, shut up [17:19:18] +Astyreia: both times i came back looking for someone specific that i can never seen to find on skype [17:19:19] Smits - ⓡⓔ-ⓦⓞⓡⓚ: qq [17:19:25] +Astyreia: seem, either [17:19:41] @LidаRоsе - Ⓝⓞ_ⓓⓘⓢⓣⓤⓡⓑ: S'ok Jacze [17:19:45] Zeтaark: should I qb the above [17:19:50] Smits - ⓡⓔ-ⓦⓞⓡⓚ: yes [17:19:57] Redemption DW: absolutely
  9. Who you won't roll I mean what? Also rolled saber shiki earlier, so that was something.
  10. You're welcome Tacos. It's because of me you're in first place for now
  11. 97/98 Missions completed. Time to wait for the third for the last two. Also send help I need 2 horseshoes uuuuuu
  12. And with that, only the Flying leader remains to be seen. Considering some of the things we have heard... I think we may know a bit about who it is.
  13. Tried rolling for Jack... You do not know how baited I feel about this.
  14. Nice to see that you are still among the living. Also thanks for the shoutout, proves I was around At any rate, I can barely remember how it was we started talking. I think silver introduced me or something idk. Happy Anniversary and enjoy your time at reborn still. Also say hi once in a while
  15. Looks like Altera wanted to spend valentine's with me. Also the first 5* I have ever rolled so much hype!!!
  16. Well time to pool all of the chocolate together and see what happens. Also hoping to roll tamamo on my main account. Why did I 10-roll for bryn on there just before this
  17. TFW you are the only engage/relative tankiness on your team, while the enemy team has an olaf. Life is hard.
  18. Well, for being one of the few people left from the group I used to hang out with back when I joined, I think I can say we had some nice times. Random stream and minecraft things, among other random stuff. As such, Happy birthday Edge.
  19. I don't know how to feel about this event yet. But I expect many silly references. At least now I might get a saber I would actually use maybe. We'll see.
  20. So this is something I may want to do again assuming there's still space at all Reborn Name: Zetaark Team Name: Sacred Swords Favorite Champion: I'll just go with Ahri on this one.(Second fav is Malz).
  21. It started out on some web browser game called Nation States (no clue how it is now or if anyone knows about it.). I originally had the name Xeta Ark for one of the nations on there. Fast forward a year later and I put the two together, changed a letter, and got Zetaark. Fun Fact: goggling my username pops up various accounts of mine(mostly league things tbh). That's basically the story of my name, and since it's never taken, it works.
  22. Well I'm the original Zetaark, and looking at when you joined, I am also the original Ark as well.
  23. Considering how others are deciding that this is a good idea, I figured why not just do an AMA. I figured it will let people who don't know me get to know me. Which is probably most people tbh. For some background, I am Zetaark, and I've been around since 2013.(Not as old as a lot of older members but whatever). Past that I've mostly been lurking, popping in and out as I go, albeit much less after late 2014 or so. With all that said, ask me anything, and I'll probably answer.
  24. So based Kaito (would use the really long name from qb but I will refrain), what do you think of me? As an actual question(I'm bad at them ok) how much did you enjoy doing Survivor Reborn, and if you could do it again, what will you fix?
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