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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Zetaark

  1. TIL that all of the change I had sitting around amounted to $26.85 in total. Well then.

    1. Shamitako



      Mine usually ends up being around $2-5

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie
  2. I actually saw someone do that in a game. While we won that game, that guy was absurdly tanky, and the shields he got were insane. I honestly think it works rather well for him. One game probably isn't enough to say for sure, but I'll mess around with it and see how it goes.
  3. How to win a 4v5. Also getting the S+ rank this game. Side note, tried the archangels on a friend suggestion, will probs go back to crucible. I just like it more(although the shield was nice at times)
  4. As of recently (AKA like 3-4 hours ago) the tpa command was implemented. So as of right now, you can tp to other people, and use the back command to go back to where you were. Home isn't implemented yet, but the tpa/back should suffice for now. unless you tp two places back to back without going back home.
  5. Unfortunately, while you can steal an item for the duration of the battle, unless it's a wild pokemon, you will not keep the item. I've tried it before to try and get items, but while it stays in battle, once it ends you don't keep the item.
  6. My name was actually a name I picked for a country in a game. Some time later, put the two parts of the name together, replaced the X with a Z, and I am now the Zetaark that most people probably don't know.
  7. Who got away on a nearby train.
  8. So since we have all the people, I do want to start the draft sometime tomorrow. Planned time is roughly 11:00 am PST which would be 2:00 pm EST and 8:00 pm CEST (roughly). If you have any issues with this, you may ask in thread or message me. Either works.
  9. S+ on Bard. What has the world come to?

    1. foovy10
    2. Peepeepoopoo


      Turn off your Cheat Engine

  10. To Shattered Skys since I cant message you, I need to ask you a question.

    1. Zetaark


      Spoiler: its about fantasy League

  11. So since the split starts tomorrow, going to throw a link to a fantasy league here now just to see how many people want to participate. http://fantasy.lolesports.com/share/join/league/846864/P8MiybvV2TQ71kC6VDPc
  12. Well this escalated very quickly. Fern got to burn, so that was good, and Hardy and Aya seem to have hit it off. Also detective duo. We need to see more of this as it develops.
  13. 1. Shards actually do something for one. 2. Difficulty is much higher. Makes more sense for stronger trainers to have 6 pokemon rather than 4. 3. Evil team actually does things for one, but the characters inside the team are memorable.
  14. That would be a good way for him to die.
  15. Welcome to Reborn. Enjoy your stay here, you'll probably be here for a while so you should just enjoy it.
  16. I think its just random. I've had two item rocks have rather meh stuff, but I've also had 4 items that had 4 really good items. All based on the rng really.
  17. Yeah I do. I think they just switched it since Omega Squad Teemo hype died down.
  18. Well when the dragon has only 2 hp remaining, 20 damage will do it.
  19. Nice job Cain. Has Aya had any qualms about this like with Cain's first boyfriend?
  20. I think everyone is having fun with this. Keep going with it!
  21. What does Gardevoir even do in the city anyways? inb4 cashier or something silly like that. or a clown EDIT: Also how does Aya feel about Cain's new friend. We saw how this ended last time, so did this go any differently?
  22. 2 things. One, what happened with this love child business you mentioned earlier. Second, this convo between GG and Shade. LET US SEE IT!!! (pls)
  23. Yeah, neck is a bit long. Also those eyes... THOSE EYES! also theres your post
  24. Or Ame, you could just cosplay Luna all day every day.
  25. Perish song Krickitune is honestly the best thing. Only reason I beat Solaris on that fight. And Snorlax. Aaand Arceus. Also Scrafty put in a fair bit of work too, especially vs the Mewtwo before Terra
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