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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Zetaark

  1. When you go 4-6 in your provisionals, and get bronze 1. That was honestly better than I expected. Also I may go into the support role a bit more.
  2. Goes 4-6 in my ranked provisionals, and gets bronze 1. I'll take that.

  3. Dat hexakill tho

  4. Bad puns aside, I would probably buy one of those if I had money.
  5. That feel when you cause a kid in your class to leave because you got a higher final score than the person.

  6. Happy Birthday Edge. Do whatever it is you do on days like this.
  7. Gj Pan. Made me d/c

  8. I don't care if it was a bot game. I still got a triple pentakill.

    1. Amethyst


      someone should get a pentapentakill someday

    2. diana



  9. Guess who's going indoor skydiving today

  10. Ok, who wants a mystery gift on League. Specify whether you want a skin or a champ.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Voctrode


      im actually not even eligible for a champion anymore i don't think..

    3. Joker


      Give me stuff and thangs.

    4. Shanco


      I'll be down for anything.

  11. Now just getting people gifts on league. Able to either get someone a champ at or under 880 RP, or a mystery gift

  12. 15 RP from getting Caitlyn. qq

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zetaark


      But I cant art

    3. Iolite


      You dont have to send in a piece of fanart?...

    4. Ikaru


      yeah they're really chill; if you do something cool or otherwise entertaining (tbh you might not even need that) they might just do it for you

  13. So much feeling I've kept inside, no way to escape...

  14. My gosh, so many d/c's

  15. Welp, there goes the server

    1. Maelstrom


      I was wondering but it wasn't just me. kk

    2. Zetaark


      Nope, its not just you.

    3. Summer
  16. Welp, I just found out how to get stuck in the strength puzzle in reborn. GJ me.

  17. But there's no sense crying over every mistake

  18. Just checked, It its unedited. Sorry summer.
  19. Now in pre-calc and amazed that this isnt blocked. XD

  20. Whats with all the Goomys friends? Just what?

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