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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zetaark

  1. My Friend code is 4554-1050-2315. The name is Galaxy.
  2. Nobody's on League. What a shame.

  3. Ive been alone too long...what do i do?

    1. Joker


      Embrace it like I do.

  4. That time where you feel that nobody truly understands how you feel.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I feel we have those times alot, but even if someone doesn't understand they can still be there for you. Just my 2 cents, hope you find better times though.

    2. diana
  5. (17:56:49) +Ebony: DAT (17:56:49) Eclipse: that may even be worse than lemuria (17:56:50) +Ebony: GRASS (17:56:54) Eclipse: lexii (17:56:58) Eclipse: let me touch your grass Eclipse has angered BreloomBot and was put to sleep! (17:56:59) Jacze: sapph pls (17:57:01) +Ebony: lel (17:57:02) Jacze: . (17:57:03) Godot: he also refuses to use Bastidon and Aggron (17:57:04) Jacze: PFffft (17:57:04) Zetaark: LOL (17:57:06) Eclipse: i mean (17:57:08) Jacze: PFFFFFFFFT (17:57:12) Dran white: who want to battle (17:57:15) Jacze: PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT (17:57:15) Zetaark: that was perfect (17:57:21) Godot: yup (17:57:24) [ironfist] Trevo: Indeed it was.
  6. OMG rankshifts. Oh snap

  7. That odd moment when you listen to Gangnam style with other sonic tracks...and they sound good

  8. (07:46:35) *** Champion Of Hoenn throws a tracker at Eclipse. *** (07:46:38) Jacze: ... (07:46:46) Champion Of Hoenn: Lets see you get away now (07:46:49) *** Jacze hides aggresively *** (07:47:11) Eclipse: Okay! (07:47:11) ~~~ Eclipse simply walked into Mordor. ~~~ (07:47:18) Champion Of Hoenn: O_O (07:47:21) Champion Of Hoenn: Dang it. (07:47:22) Eclipse: That could not have been bett
  9. Zetaark


    Banned for being a Fighting Type.
  10. Happy birthday Nyu! Enjoy.
  11. Zetaark

    Lie to Me

    @ Renzo, you are correct. ^ Im going to say that 2 Is a lie. 1. I own a typewriter 2. I have a 3ds 3. I want to be an astronomer.
  12. Zetaark

    Lie to Me

    Wrong, number one is false.(Although I would like to visit...) Also, I think number 3 is a lie. 1. I have every pokemon game released. 2. I play a violin. 3. I went to comic-con this year
  13. Zetaark

    Lie to Me

    I think you loving mustard is a lie. 1. I've been to France. 2.I have a black belt in martial arts. 3. I watch anime on a regular basis.
  14. I managed to use my Gigalith's mud slap to lower accuracy a few stages, then linoone with sand attack. Then I used perish song with kricketune for the win. Tense the whole match.
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