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Everything posted by EnkiAO

  1. EnkiAO


    d...does this mean.... Hustle Nidorans?
  2. 50, and just got the 5th badge. Won't continue until DW Nidorans work.... and Moxie... (Got an Adamant, Moxie Gyarados from Fisherman and Moxie Adamant Scraggy w/ DD) =[[[
  3. Hmm... I guess I'll have to wait till I get the TM for SolarBeam...if it's even in... annnd change my team around...again since DW Nidorans don't work as well. =__=
  4. Are you against lesbian Pokemon?!?! lol Jk, yes, I am sure. =] EDIT: Same thing happened when I was trying to breed Nidorans with BoltBeam... =[[[
  5. Lol, okay. Because I tried this yesterday and the Vulpix was born WITHOUT SolarBeam...
  6. So if I breed a Ninetails with Drought with a male Nuzleaf with SolarBeam, will the resulting Vulpix have SolarBeam and Ember as its first moves?
  7. EnkiAO

    Nidoran F

    Yeah, used Skuntank for Flamethrower, Koffin for Tbolt and Mudkipples for Icebeam. but not anymore since DW Nidos are broken (?).
  8. EnkiAO

    Headbutting Trees

    Took me an 40~ mins to find my first Munchielax, killed it...with THIEF! gg
  9. EnkiAO

    Nidoran F

    hmm... I always thought learnable TM moves were passed down from father Pokemon to female. Thanks for cleaning up the confusion, btw. Will have to find a replacement for my awesome Gladiator (Nidoking) I had in mind. =( Maybe Garbage-Man Aka Mr. Biggles...
  10. EnkiAO

    Nidoran F

    is it possible to pass down Flamethrower/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam to a Nidoran F via Chain-Breeding? EDIT: Also read that there's an "Ability Bug" with Sheer Force/Hustle. Can someone shed some light to what that means?
  11. A handful of abilities are still broken. v.v Seems like they are hard to fix. Was all excited to get a Defiant Piplup.... but NOPE! lol
  12. Before I continue searching like a madman for another week... is it possible to get a Nidoran F w/ Hustle? @___@ and what's the encounter rate on them, 1% collectively? @_______@
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