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  1. I feel like this is going to be related to the Team Xen island that we couldn't enter...
  2. Everyone is saying Lycanroc but Sand stream gigalith is also great. Although of course if you have both the fight becomes a cake walk. Wild horsea also have a chance of dropping dragon scales so if you have a pokemon with compundeyes (to increase the chance of them holding one) and one that can learn thief to steal the scale you can use it to evolve seadra, given you have a link stone or someone to trade with.
  3. Before anything else I think you should change your current mon's EVs around. Swampert shouldn't have speed EVs because its base speed is too low. 252 in hp 252 Attack and 4 in special defense work much better. Sylveon as well could see a change in its EV spread. Instead of HP AND Defense maybe go 252 in special attack and then either pick HP or Defense, or split the rest of your EVs between the two. I would say HP is more valuable but it's up to you. Metagross can go with many different EV spreads, but for Reborn I would say either a sweeper with 252 in Attack and 252 in speed and 4 spD, or bulky with 252 attack 252 hp 4 spD. If you're looking for a pokemon that can fly that would suit your team I think there are plenty of options. Crobat, Hawlucha, Honchkrow, and Archeops are some good options. You can definitely go with Flygon but you already have a ground type and without the mega stone altaria is pretty bad at this point in the game. Since you're playing on Set it's pretty important that you have a pokemon you can always switch into that has massive bulk. Snorlax and Umbreon may fit in well. You're also missing a fighting type. There's plenty to choose from. Mienshao, Lucario, Scrafty, Conkeldurr, Gallade, etc. Looking at your team you have Water/Ground Fire Fairy Steel/Psychic Electric/Ice Flying/?? Normal (maybe) Dark (Maybe) Fighing (Maybe) For your team of six I guess it's up to you to choose which mon you want to complete your team but if I were you I would train up at least 10 mons that I could use at any time and switch them in at will.
  4. You can get Lotad on a rainy day in the Coral Ward. If you train the Lotad up without evolving it it will learn a lot of great moves. On Azurine Island there are Quagsire, Palpitoad and Shellos, all three are pretty good.
  5. I agree with ChaoticStreamer. Not only are Blaze Black and Volt White harder but they also have every single pokemon available in the game. Drayano hacks are always pretty great. In addition Pokemon Desolation is a fantastic game, although you may not like it because it has a dark tone (although not as dark as reborn). Legends of the Arena just got its final update and that game is nowhere near as dark as either but is also a great game.
  6. You can't break the bars. From what I remember you have to beat Rosetta. Go back there once you do and you should be able to obtain them. If it's not after Rosetta just keep coming back after significant story events occur.
  8. I actually never noticed the dots until now lol. That's funny. I have no idea what their purpose is but welcome to the forums!
  9. Simple Swoobat and Lycanrock (Midday) are extremely strong, if you're ever having trouble pick them up. I also recommend looking at this guide https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-Dk0g5bVs0B4JNuSR-f4AAFIeWQozHosKFS-wPao9bc/edit It is a full guide of everything in Rejuvenation, from items to battles to events. It is the most helpful resource that I think exists for Rejuvenation.
  10. If you're doing a flying monotype what is stopping you from using Honchkrow? If you EV it in speed and attack it is definitely able to KO the mons that Radomus uses to set up trick room, and with moxie sucker punch you just sweep.
  11. Check out this link, it should help https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/24930-swm-modular-modpack-e182/
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