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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by PunkRoseBlitz

  1. Awesome! Sorry that I haven't replied sooner. I've been a bit busy. Just let me know when you're ready to trade!
  2. Hey there! I ended up getting two Oshawotts from the Coral Ward before the event changed to a Popplio, and the other... So I would like to trade one of the Oshawotts. For the Litten, the IVs do not matter at all. I just would like one to add for my Pokedex.
  3. It's crazy how anyone is able to do this. Apparently I don't have a brain on how to do this.
  4. No problem! I actually haven't solved it either. I do have the numbers, but it's hard for me to do it. I'm pretty dumb lol
  5. That's great to know! I actually found it at Celestinine Mountain BF2
  6. That's what I did as well, and I'm getting nothing. I will say is that I got access to the city earlier than I should have, meaning Saphira didn't destroy the pathway so that Team Meteor can't get through, and I accidentally went to the house where Cain and the others are, indicating that I have to battle Charlotte. Is there anything I'm missing?
  7. This episode is really great, but there's something I think is messed up, in my game at least. So I talked to Saphira, and then Hardy, who tried to break through the barrier, and Fern appeared. After that, I talked to Saphira again, and she told me that there are some people who I need to talk to. I did that and went to Charlotte's gym and waited for the cutscene to end, and when I talked to Saphira, she said the same dialogue. I saw a walkthrough on YouTube and when he talked to them after talking to Charlotte, Aya and Sirius were at the other side. If I bugged it, then the reason is probably that I accidentally went to the city earlier than I should have been, before Saphira destroyed the pathway to the city with her Dragonite. I accidentally went into the room where Cain and the others are, and the cutscene appeared saying that I must battle Charlotte for Dive. I could have just went to go and battle Charlotte anyway... I don't know why the city was available early for me, but I didn't even mean to get there before battling Team Meteor. So what should I do? I saved at the Pokemon Center and have not talked to the sisters or Hardy. I've played through this game three times (this being third), and the first time was from a bug I was stuck at, and the second was when my computer had a virus and deleted everything. Thanks in advance!
  8. Excited for Pokemon X~

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