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About Iceidice

  • Birthday 09/22/1995

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  2. I've activated the 3rd Arceus statue, where/what do i do now?
  3. So at the grand hall i can choose to support restoration of obsidia, fixing the railnet or finance the Azurine nature center. If I support one of them, will I not be able to support the rest? If so, ehich one should I choose?
  4. Aww that sucks. I'll have to settle with getting a Pichu then. Was looking for the one on the roof in the onyx ward, but couldnt find it as the city has been rebuilt.
  5. I've recently completed episode 16, and want to return to glitch city to catch a Raichu. Is that possible? I went back to the computer room, but there was nothing to interact with.
  6. Hi guys! Could you please take a look at my team and tell me what to add, change or replace? I havent really been EV training, but I've started doing it on the new pokemon I catch, same goes for natures. Also could you guys add some tips for items? 1. Noivern lvl 64, Infiltrator Modest Flamethrower Air Slash Hurricane Super Fang Will teach him Boomburst and Dragon Pulse when I get the levels for it. 2. Golem, lvl 70, Rock Head, Bashful Earthquake Stone Edge Double Edge Stelth Rock 3. Gardevoir, lvl 71, Synchronize, Impish Moonblast Psychic Calm Mind Shadow Ball 4. Crobat, lvl 71, Infiltrator, Careful Acrobatics Confuse Ray Cross Poison Bite 5. Krookodile, lvl 68, Moxie, Adamant Brick Break Foul Play Outrage Earthquake 6. Torterra, lvl 70, Shell Armor, Timid Crunch Giga Drain Earthquake Leech Seed 7. Swampert, lvl 76, Torrent, Serious Surf Earthquake Protect Hammer Arm 8. Arcanine, lvl 72, Intimidate, Careful Flamethrower Extremespeed Thunder Fang Bite 9. Ninetales, lvl 74, Drought, Bold Flamethrower Extrasensory Fire Blast Confuse Ray 10. Luxray, lvl 67, Rivalry, Adamant Spark Wild Charge Crunch Swagger 11. Flygon, lvl 71, Levitate, Adamant Earthquake Crunch Dragon Claw Rock Slide Also I'm thinking about adding a Clefable, Magnezone and Conkeldurr to the team
  7. Not shofu, but nickaboo92 Think I got introduced to reborn by a pokemon discussion on funnyjunk
  8. Hello fellow citizens of Reborn! My name is Iceidice, but im also known as FatesWarning in some cases. I have only played the official games up until gen 3, but i guess the interest for pokemon has stuck. I'm not into the competetive scene and only play as a casual, so I may lack some knowledge and strategies. I've been playing reborn since episode 8 and been hooked ever since. I love this game for its challenge and how huge and diverse it is. The only downside I can think of is the waiting time between episodes Up to this point I've only been lurking the forums for guides etc., but I hope this will change now!
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