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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by nemesish

  1. Me and my Moxie-Gyarados-from-a-very-old-save are very grateful for all what you have done. It's time to continue my travels through Reborn and finally finish it all. Thank you Ame.
  2. Hello there. The last time i played the game was after beating Titania with my trusty Moxie Gyarados (yes, I'm that old of a Reborn player), and now knowing of this beta Endgame episode is there something i need to know before downloading it?
  3. I was like Oh my god! at the beggining of the epiosde and some time later like OH MY GOD! FAK U ***!
  4. Heavy Slam Aggron helps a lot, specially with the field increasing Heavy Slam's attack. When I battled Ciel, Mega Altaria was 1hko with that.
  5. Dunno why, but everytime I hear this song I think of Flobot and Lin.
  6. Fletchinder, Cinccino and... the Super Rod.
  7. Oh my cat! It´s (almost) here!
  8. I´d like Hidden Grottoes or Friend Safaris more than Secret Bases.
  9. Fake Megas? Nah... we have the Pulse-mons. And hopefully a non-harming way to use them post-game. With items like P-Avaluggite, P-Mimeite, P-Mukite or something like that.
  10. Ace Trainer David -Alakazam -Golem -Gengar -Machamp -Nidoking -Aggron Probably a late-game trainer (8th Gym - Victory Road) Pre-battle: You´re near the League kid. But first... Post-battle: Go.
  11. Cooltrainer D (or David) -Electivire -Magmortar .Kingdra -Gardevoir or Gallade -Rhyperior -Blissey Probably a late-Victory Road trainer (no problem with that) Intro: You´re near the League kid. But first... Defeat: Go.
  12. What would break my heart? 1- If one of our allies die (though it´s expected). 2- The "Magikarp egg event" turns out to not be Magikarp after all. 3- If it´s Magikarp, that the event ends at the post-game. 4- Lin or Sirius kill Taka.
  13. Hello everybody. I got Bulk up before V6, but now i wanna know where do I get Stacking Shot or what TM number is it.
  14. Hopefully, Hidden Grottos at some post-game locations.
  15. Probably, since it´s not like the Black/White Kyurem that is canon to the games.
  16. So, Gothita is on the mansion? Hm... hopefully you can get one later since I´ve beaten Marianette before updating to V6.
  17. And if you updated from Ep5 having beaten her before the update, since the mansion is gone, you lose the chance to catch a Gothita.
  18. O...K. Drats. I´ve misread that you could get both.
  19. I'm at the backup Lab right now but only found a Elekid. I've read that you can find an Elekid, a Magby and this Ralts people are talking about here. Where is Ralts? Where´s Magby?
  20. nemesish

    Shadow Ball

    so, if i got shadow ball before(as a TM), where do I get shadow claw?
  21. Good game, good story. The career paths are a good feature. But it´s a little bugged if you start on East Godra, because you can't access the city where the 8th gym is. Gonna try the West soon.
  22. 1) Whether or not you beg Fern -Oh no. I didn´t! 2) Finding all of the police officers before facing the final Tangrowth -Yes 3) Joining the Aqua or the Magma gang Aqua 4) Beating Garchomp in the boss fight with Solaris -No,because I didn't knew it was winnable. 5) Saving Heather or going on to fight Sirius -Saving Heather 6) Going upstairs or staying downstairs when Team Meteor invades -Staying 7) Siding with El or Radomus -Radomus 8) How you answer Charlotte's question of how important the Ruby Ring is -Not that important. 9) Whether or not you give Blake the ring -Kept it. 10) Giving Titania candy in the Water Treatment Center -Gave her the BMIC 11) Whether or not you decide to fight Taka to save him from his father's wrath -Thanked all of his help by beating him.
  23. Looks like .Hack Legend of Twilight.
  24. Ivory and Gold could be Arceus itself (as they´re the colors of Arceus and it´s wheel/accessory.)
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