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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Mikzal

  1. I didn't notice that, so I take my last comment back. However, I do think that is wierd... Watch the teaser for the next episode - 10 Start an adventure on the Reborn Game - 10 See 100 Pokemon in your pokedex in Reborn Game - 10 See 200 Pokemon in your pokedex in Reborn Game - 15 See 300 Pokemon in your pokedex in Reborn Game - 20 See 400 Pokemon in your pokedex in Reborn Game – 30 Catch 50 Pokemon in the pokedex in Reborn Game - 10 Catch 100 Pokemon in the pokedex in Reborn Game – 20 Find the Yureyu Key – 20
  2. Venipede has been moved to Byxbysion Wasteland.
  3. Favorite: Brendan/May Least favorite: Tierno and Trevor
  4. I don't know why you should die, Rose. Detective Vinny?
  5. No flower now. I'm guessing PWB again.
  6. But no. Mikzal is here. Dun dun duuuuuuu. PWB?
  7. If we are going to change the shinies then there should be a reason why they look like they do. Mecha-Tangrowth and Zombie Machamp should have a backstory.
  8. Make a (legit) Regular League Trainer Card - 5 Post a total of 10 different comments - 10 Post a total of 50 different comments - 20 Post a total of 100 different comments - 30
  9. After 2 badges (all shinies): Noibat, Stunky, Pidgey, Sewaddle and Scatterbug x2
  10. Alternatively since shiny pokemon are "common" we could have something really special, like a "rare shiny" (if people cared to make more shinies, and to be honest, I don't think that anyone would want to do that).
  11. That happened to me too, Tempest. Earlier than you. I went from being the smartest guy in the class to the middle of that list in 3 years, and I hate school with all my heart. I blame my own lazyness and my computer. I spend almost all of my time on my laptop doing non-productive things, and it has only made me feel bad about myself. I'm so little active that I'm starting to become a bit "fat".
  12. You can also get a Lotad in Coral ward during a rainy day.
  13. Me talking about zombies was also an example. I'm not a big fan of changing anything but the colors. It moves away from pokemon. And this isn't any zombie apocalypse. No snakewood here.
  14. I'm fine with different shinies (having different colors than the original shinies), but when they become zombies? No.
  15. Mikzal


    I think more people picked the (Drought) Vulpix over the Magby.
  16. Mikzal


    Yes, why did she remove the Magby event?
  17. Mikzal


    Reckless + Brave Bird = OHKO (100th post YAY!)
  18. Yeah because that is going to help just after you beat the second gym?
  19. I was lucky enough to get a Huge Power, Adamant Azurill in 5 tries.
  20. Does he use Clefable? Clefable is pure Fairy type.
  21. So much Vinneh. So little me. Zinarei?
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