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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Mikzal

  1. I'm so sorry. I really am Rose, come here!
  2. Is it about burning things?
  3. The first shiny that i caught was a shiny Chansey (be jealous) in Platinum.
  4. Mikzal

    Pokemon afraid

    Buy it in North Peridot ward, or is it called West Peridot ward? It's north anyway. If that made any sense? Pokemon with the Pickup abillity can get it too.
  5. Accelgor and Vivillon can be useful if you know what you're doing.
  6. Clearing out all of Route 1, and getting the Yureyu Key?
  7. Scolipede or Leavanny? You can also get Pinsir/Heracross and Escavalier later on.
  8. I know it's not as light as Flabebe but how about Igglybuff?
  9. Sorry. I'm back. Kyra? EDIT: Really Kyra? 1 minute before me? While I was writing?
  10. Any rules on how much you can post? Rose...
  11. Welcome! Please send questions to Vinny or Tempest.
  12. While I was training i found a shiny Stunky, and 3 Noibats later I found a shiny Noibat. Maybe I should check it out. Anyway, thank you!
  13. In my battle with her (episode 11) she was named Nature Girl Victoria.
  14. No Vinny right now. (A new challenger appears!) How about Tempest?
  15. I just eat/drink whatever kind of soda or candy I have.
  16. Can you guys help me with my team? http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7742
  17. Or it could be just random. Right now I got that Pachirisu running around in that house in Peridot ward.
  18. The rain might have something to do with it? I'm not sure. Also: on my second play of the game a Spinda was being bullied.
  19. In my game it was a Panpour, and not a Pachirisu, that was being bullied.
  20. Mikzal

    Pokemon afraid

    Get some Pokesnax
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