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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Mikzal

  1. So far I have a Monferno and a Ralts. I also have a Pidgey but I'm not sure if I'll use it for the entire game. When it comes to Leavanny: I have used it in Pokemon Black 2 and with good stats, X-Scissor and Leaf Blade early on it will be useful sometimes. Too bad it has 2 quad weaknesses.
  2. I love the dreams that comes back after you wake up in the middle of it.
  3. I know that it's there, but it's supposed to be in the Opal ward grass too.
  4. Am I the only one that can't find Meowth in the Opal ward grass?
  5. If Axew and Snower is introduced in episode 12 then Totodile will become one of the best starters. D.Dance, Ice Punch, Aqua Jet and Crunch
  6. Nothing surprising in that picture.
  7. O_o Damn... That's really impressive.
  8. Good! I was really scared there for a moment. (Don't give Ame ideas.)
  9. Welcome Zinarei! I have to say that your skills in cosplay looks pretty amazing.
  10. Not sure if I can advertise for other topics you have made (help me here mods), but please help me build the rest of my team on the forum post Episode 11 Team that I made.
  11. Mikzal

    Element Gems

    The research facility on route 1.
  12. So far I have decided to go with Infernape and Azumarill. I have plans on using Ninetails and Ampharos too. But I'm not sure about the last two (four if someone comes with a good idea). Crobat, Noivern, Staraptor, Gardevoir, Porygon 2/Z (episode 12 hopefully), Pidgeot, Flygon, Gengar, Diggersby, Leavanny, Scolipede, Magnezone, Magmar, Arcanine?
  13. Welcome Common Man. Feel free to spam Vinny and Tempest, listen to Bibarel and watch out for Alice.
  14. I suggest you give Dark Pulse to Porygon-Z (and Download)
  15. Good thing many ground types have bad special defence and are slow because they can be devastating (main games). In Reborn, Flying types can be really scary.
  16. My stomach aches when I read about your fears. It's like I get them myself. My biggest fears are heights, the dark, getting embarrassed in public and drowning. I also have claustrophobia and trypophobia.
  17. Physical, special or mixed?
  18. I think this is a battle between Torchic, Totodile, Froakie and Chimchar purely based on abillities. And Vinny, please tell me about Turtwig too.
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