My name is Mikzal, or Mikal if you want. I am not new to the forums at all, I just haven't introduced myself, and now that I have seen so many introducings lateley, I wanted to make one myself.
I started to play Reborn just after Shofu started to let's play it, and I loved it. It didn't take long to get way ahead of his let's play so I needed to get some more help. That's when I found Nickaboo92 and the forum. I made an account to add some stuff to the obtainable pokemon page and I didn't do anything else really. But now I'm back (YAY!) and this time I'll be really active on the forum. Too bad the Reborn league is so late (I think it begins 1am for me), if it was some othe time I'd possibly challenged it, after I changed stuff around in my team. It consists only of pokemon i like.
Now for the more personal stuff. I'm a 16 year old guy from Norway (best country in the world (seriously)), and I play baskedball and video games (duh). When it comes to TV-shows I'm a big fan of AoT, GoT, TWD, Chuck, South Park and Family Guy. I can write so many things about myself but we don't need that. Just ask me stuff if you want to.
Soooo hello again!