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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Mikzal

  1. I didn't use it myself, but that Starly could probably become very useful. I also used Mr. Mime a ton during my play. Gardevoir is of course better, but I wanted to do something different. Crobat is a must for many things. I guess you can do well with Noivern too. And we can't forget our starter.
  2. Life was so much easier back in episode 9. The challenges are cool tho.
  3. I have started to look for hidden items and they are everywhere. It almost seems like they are random. I have found Link stones several wierd places.
  4. It's fixed now. I guess you only need to wait some time.
  5. And my trainer card is stil not updating...
  6. And if I'm allowed to mention some things about Reborn: -My Scrafty got intimidate instead of moxie and my Ninetails got flash fire instead of drought. They had those abilities in episode 9 and 10 but they changed in episode 11. -If you escape rope out of the northern cave on the other side of azurine lake you get stuck in the wall. At least in episode 10. -I think we need a better way to travel across route 1. I'm getting tired of fighting Bouffalants. -Sucker punch still doesn't work :/ I'm sorry if I sound angry, I'm just trying to help
  7. well... the correct trainer card is gone :/
  8. This is wierd. I now have two trainer cards in my signature. One is a picture and I don't know what the other one is. How can I remove it?
  9. I just got the crystal plug but I have no idea how I can get to Iolia Valley.
  10. in the alleyways you can find koffing, stunky, purrloin, trubbish and poochyena and we cant forget magby under opal bridge
  11. You can find Pidove in Obsidia Slums too.
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