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Everything posted by Mikzal

  1. Mikzal


    Hello Mike! Fellow name brother Hope you'll enjoy your time in the Reborn forums!
  2. Air force, here I come!

  3. Oh Fall. What's your deal?

  4. I'll be back on the 7th. Might be able to pop by from time to time. Bye bye!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shing


      Have fun in real life, good luck.

    3. Vinny


      Stay safe, and don't forget to have fun!

    4. Mikzal


      I'm just going on vacation guys. I'll have fun

  5. Week 10 Amethyst and sapphire Mikzal vs. pwb9870 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-31348
  6. I'm good. Thanks for asking
  7. Week 6 Amethyst division Mikzal vs. MMM http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-28479
  8. Week 3 Amethyst Division Mikzal vs FraRpetO http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-26530
  9. Every day day and every night night I am gonna fight fight fight to win!

  10. Let's go the other way with this question What's your least favorite mon?
  11. Forum Name: Mikzal Server Name: Mikzal Opinion of your own skills (1-10): Anything from 4-6 (when I see Skitty saying 8 I kinda wanna put myself on 2 lol) Timezone: CET/CEST/GMT+1 Hours best for you: 4 PM - 9 PM (weekdays) 1 PM - 12 AM (weekends) (my timezone) Hours worst for you: 11 PM - 3 PM (weekdays) 1 AM - 11 AM (weekends) (my timezone) Anticipated time away: i might be gone one week twice this Summer, but nothing important
  12. Calm down there, big boy. This guy is much less important than you'll ever be
  13. Reborn wouldn't be as fun without you, Bibs, you great friend
  14. It depends on how far you've gotten. If you haven't reached the dephts yet, you're not able to encounter it. Just follow the story and you'll get there
  15. I'm pretty sure I've posted this pic somewhere on the forums before, but it's gold Go gen 1!
  16. I'm crazy enough for this one
  17. Was I the only one that thought of Evander Holyfield when I saw this? Yes? Ok...
  18. Steam: Mikzal Just Terraria that is of interest 3DS: Mikal 3110-4949-6529 (I already have 100 added :/ ) Animal Crossing: New Leaf Fire Emblem: Awakening Pokemon X and AS WiiU: Mikzal SSB4 MK8 Batte.net: Mikzal #2695 LoL: Mikzal (EUW) I also play Minecraft and party games like Town of Salem and Board Game Online
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