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  1. got a chansey but it doesnt have healer ability is there any way I can change it or should I just not use it?? saved already
  2. mamba24boi


    you my friend must be a master in the art of saving lives
  3. mamba24boi


    Ive only battled her 4 times and got her down to 2 pokes once, Im sure I could beat her with this team just don't want to win entirely based on luck. I just feel that with spiritomb my team has the bulk to just be outright better than hers. PS dont EVER use sharpedo, Its like tissue paper and speed and attack arent even that great. We need a good shark type poke
  4. I found two in a row for my first two! What do I win?!
  5. mamba24boi


    can someone walk me through how to get spiritomb, all I know is I need an odd keystone and that is comes out of a rock but I have searched the entire wasteland. If those pillars you have to turn red are a part of it I have turned everyone I have come across. Thanks for all replies and consideration!!
  6. I want screeners! lol i want a light clay dual screener but anywho where is spiritomb? Im sure I could train him up pretty swiftly with unknowns(where is that at again?) Thanks for replying I appreciate it!
  7. There are two alley ways for each of the gangs, after meeting with your gang in the house in Lapis you must go to the opposing gangs hideout and beat their boss. In your case magma has a pretty strong guy with fire types utilizing sunny day watch out.
  8. yeah figuring out my team is totally fucked against her lol it sucks, do you or anyone here know of a good counter I could find to help my cause My team: Torterra lvl 45 razor leaf, leech seed, synthesis, earthquake Arbok lvl 42 glare, crunch, stockpile, swallow (terrible moveset I know) Sharpedo lvl 42 aqua jet, crunch, ice fang, taunt Magmar lvl 41 sunny day, lava plume. faint attack, smokescreen Scrafty lvl 45 crunch, brick break, facade, hi jump kick bibarel lvl 17 rock smash, cut, strength, surf(when I get it) its a lifesaver
  9. How to get drain punch on scrafty?? Tm toxic?? also want to add that Aya double battle really screwed me as earthquake on my torterra wrecks my team was that on purpose?
  10. I figured magmar would be my rock against shelly but that Yanmas ancient power was a solid 2 shot against him as well as obviously outspeeding me, I learned the power of yanma against her But yes ZeL could be difficult as well!!
  11. Yeah I have figured out that things like crobat and even the yanma NEED to be paralyzed. My Arbok with intimidate is great for that with its glare.
  12. So far at the point I am at I have found the hardest battle to actually be Shelly. Her Yanma was so bulky and had a super effective move against my whole party if it was just expert belted I would have never beat her. My second was followed fairly closely by the battle with maxwell in your first event as a member of team Aqua. His lv 41 vulpix's flamethrower might as well have been called "Satans Wrath". Havent gotten through all nine episodes yet but from what I see no one found these two hard??!! To be fair I was warned about Florina's cradily before hand and hit it was glare, smokescreen, swagger combo to take it out. Who were your toughest battles and why??
  13. Hi I am new to the forums but quite frankly am loving this game Ame you did a great job. I don't play with sprites as I can only imagine how bad that would hurt this laptop that I believe Fred Flinestone constructed himself. Anywho I love the difficulty of this game(except the multiple super potions I think one per pokemon should be the limit) and am finding the challenge makes me feel like I am actually doing something instead of just clicking one button like all other pokemon games. To the topic I am posting this because I need to reformat my Laptop but am afraid to lose save file. I have tried to copy to flash stick as well as copy rxdata files but it still asks me to create new game. I might be copying files to wrong area and when I do a simple search for rxdata as one of the guys above me has I get alot of different files, not sure if thats how it should be, so I was hoping someone could literally hold my hand and walk me through the process of transferring my save to a usb stick that would be appropriate for your common brain dead 5 year old. Thanks for all response and consideration.
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