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About Woobowiz

  • Birthday 12/16/1994

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  1. I'm gonna be honest here though, the game IS mainly about having fun and exploring the story and world Ame made for us. If you honestly want to perfect your pokemon, it might as well be done using a team builder and then challenging the Reborn League.
  2. There are reasons why save editing is possible for mainly just Ame. If you require nitpicking IV's to have fun with what you want to do, I'm sorry to say that this game won't satisfy you, at least not yet anyways. Most of us don't bother with IV's because it really seems insignificant (even Hidden Power becomes a bit trivial). If you want proper IV's, let's hope you breed with the right nature as well, because that's so far going to be the only way you can do it.
  3. The TM is the only worthwhile thing to note in that room. But there IS a Gate at the end of the hall if you take the upper path (the lower path leads to the TM and the middle path is a dead end), but since it's closed/locked that's just something you can look over.
  4. Turning Reborn into a Romhack would fix nearly every issue with the game concerning battling and mechanics. But the effort severely outweighs the reward, especially considering how big the game is. Also, it would put me and BlinG out of the job (least of anyone's concern~ ) It would also make it easier to cheat in considering, most (if not all) action replay codes for Pokemon ROMs also work on their romhacks. (Because memory assignments for most baseline codes stay constant for all roms, if that weren't the case, every pokemon cartridge would have unique action replay codes and would dub the Master Code obsolete)
  5. Nope, they have a priority of 6 http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Priority That would be easier, yes, but the thing that's very disturbing is that items are used during the command phase, but items are supposed to be used during the attack phase. In retrospect, my method is also flawed because then I would have to make an exception and bypass status effects as well. The ULTIMATE and easiest solution (that I just now see) is to just use the item during the attack phase method, rather than the command phase method. It just seems too simple though and I'm not sure why the original dev never bothered (probably an oversight), or that there's ultimately an issue between item usage in attack phase and priority of moves (intuition tells me that shouldn't be the case because I could just apply the logic for using the item first considering Ruby uses late binding)
  6. Scratch that, I propose creating battle move equivalents of HP restoring items. the pbRegisterItem method is seriously flawed when used in battle. The item identifier will be used to indicate the battle move used with priority of 6 (As it SHOULD be in the first place) The logic for healing is already coded in moves like Rest. The logic used for coding the battle phase can be copied to using items as well My issue is that I might have trouble with the fact that now it's considered a move, it wouldn't necessarily USE the item, meaning it'll fix its double battle abuse, but rather if you go into battle with 1 full restore, you're basically set for the battle. I might have to just call pbRegisterItem to a pokemon of nil reference (but idk if that will give me an error)
  7. On paper, yes but it won't work, and that's because each pokemon's command phase is independent from others, so even if I set the flag true for the first pokemon, it doesn't mean it's also true for the second. I will have to access the variables involving double battles and possibly utilize some sort of global variable.
  8. It was the way I came off to read it. I just went the extra mile to calling him off on something other people might not see (or see differently) But for now, I'm just gonna leave it as is, I leave you guys with free stuff. That's it, I'll take my leave and go back to work.
  9. It's inexcusable for me to call you a dick, but that's just the type of person I am, straight up blunt. The point I'm trying to make is that your post could have been anything else, an example being
  10. I don't really expect you to go out of the way to simply express your unappreciative attitude, if you don't care about it, I wouldn't suggest approaching it in such a matter. Pokemon's twitter feed announced this Online-scavenger hunt to launch 11 AM EST, 8 AM PDT. You would find the codes and enter them to win stuff like official wallpapers and FREE TCG booster packs. You get like 2 booster packs though. So, if you won't bother looking it up, then don't bother posting, because it just makes you look like a dick. Anyone could just as easily post like a dick, I can do that too, is that how you got 2k+ posts? Posting trash that doesn't contribute at all, especially on threads that's literally helping people get free stuff?
  11. I brushed up on my bruteforce scripts for this and got some codes. I didn't have the time to look like an idiot looking for codes around the sites, and neither do most of you guys. Freebie Code (DO NOT USE IF YOU WANT TO UNLOCK ALL 24 POKEMON) XY738A www.gottacatchemall.com Entry code XY1012 X2R4 (Bunnelby) X3K5 (Chespin) X4Q8 (Dedenne) X5H8 (Fennekin) X6P4 (Froakie) X7C9 (Heloptile) X7Q5 (Honedge) X8G5 (Inkay) X9K3 (Malamar) Y2P6 (Noivern) Y3F2 (Pangoro) Y3S7 (Skiddo) Y4L6 (Skrelp) Y5B6 (Spritzee) Y6J5 (Sylveon) Y8H7 (Yveltal) Y8P4 (Pancham) Y9D8 (Gogoat)
  12. Yeah, I would much more prefer how Pokemon Showdown does it and makes it a constant 100 bars And do the % thing while they keep actual HP values being kept track in the back
  13. Again, nothing much I can do about the HP, they animate it by HP and scale it horizontally so that it fits in the HP bar. You'll notice the bar drop considerably fast vs low leveled pokemon because there are less HP bars to animate, compared to high level pokemon with HP bars near or above 100.
  14. Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data,Data We need data, if we jump the gun and put in Gen 6 mechanics anywhere near the release date, more than likely we'll come across an error or not fully detailed mechanic. It's best to know 100% what everything is about in Gen 6 before we code it (we already come across complications starting with the removal of IVs and changes to Hidden Power) I don't mean to dash your hopes, but don't expect any projects starting up until after a few weeks of the release of X and Y. Even then, don't get any hopes that will be finished in weeks either, it will probably take months (about 3-5 Episodes worth) of research and proper coding.
  15. Not to mention that AI is literally a completely separate and individual field on its own, I don't specialize in AI (I'm looking to specialize in data structures and algorithms, so I'm already at a disadvantage in practice for these codes) so what I pump out may turn up as nothing but a logic circuit. I don't mean to be a parrot for Blind G (Biggy G, BG, BlinG), but it's entirely possible, it's just that creating a working non-generic AI is on a completely different ball game
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