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Eclipse Blaze

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5 Fledgling

1 Follower

About Eclipse Blaze

  • Birthday 02/17/1992

Profile Information

  • Alias
    Eclipse Blaze™
  • Gender
  • Location
    Inside a sack of potatoes.
  • Interests
    Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokémon, Shounen Anime (especially the edgy, funny, and possibly romantic ones... and a little fan service never hurts!), Anything by Square Enix is pure Awesomesauce, Saints Row, Need For Speed, Hack-and-Slash and RPG Genres in General, Punk, Emo, Metalcore, Post-Hardcore, Dance/Club Music, and basically just anything that gives me a rush (Because I'm epic like that! I am also humble apparently! Saracastic statement is sarcastic!)!!!???!!!???!?!?!?

    U wut m7?

Contact Methods

  • Discord
    User: killblaze777#2696 / My Server, Ethereal Reality Permanent Invite Link: https://discord.gg/NKts9AD

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  1. So, is there no Beta Test club for past beta testers or nightclub members? If so I was part of several BTs over the years. Would love to contribute to the end of this amazing game. Cannot stress this enough but TYSM for the hard work DEVs. It sounds like it was worth it. butsereiouslythoughwhere'smybetatestclubinviteorisitclosedtoDEVs
  2. I liked the part where the bird broke through the window. That bird is one BAMF. Also I'm on the floor 'cause I canut stahp laughing... Please send help.
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  4. Hi. if Jan or another developer reads this, I was using Therian Forme Landorus and even Ame confirmed it was the same for reborn, but has now been fixed for episode 19 release. Amethyst checked the scripts, rq, or what have you and it's base speed was 20 points too low. It's the same in rejuv. Should be base stat of 91 (309 with perfect speed IV, EVs, jolly nature, lvl 100, etc. But, with these factors T-Lando maxes out at 265 at lvl 100, not 309. Groudon's red orb is missing from items list in RPGMaker XP editing, even though changing form in RPGMaker XP to 001 successfully changes his form. I feel this was not intended and felt I should let you know. I wanted to request you add the red orb (and blue orb, if applicable) before releasing v13.5 (Take your semi-hiatus in peace first though). Really wanted to do a solo run with a Primal Groudon. If this was an intended feature, then so be it. But, if not then I just thought you should know it is missing from the Items list in the RPGMaker XPs Add Item option in debug from menu. ( Not debug "mode" because I fear messing with that.)
  5. Yay, a hard cap means I can stop worrying about my pokemon passing cap mid-battle and suddenly stopping listening to me. I have lost many a battle that way. Cool that you can opt for or against in the beginning. Sorry if this has already been asked, but does the hard cap work the same way it does in rejuvenation where they basically just quit gaining experience at cap until the correct badge?
  6. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  7. I can haz Episode 19 BETA faw meh burfdeh next month?!

    1. Abyssreaper99


      I don't think the legendary quests will be close to finished by that point. I don't know how many she's got left but there's probably a lot left.

  8. *enters a hype-fueled hysterical maniacal laughter fit.* ...AHEM... Thanks everyone for your hard work. I will enjoy every last minute of this game once it's out.
  9. *enters a hype-fueled hysterical maniacal laughter fit.* ...AHEM... Thanks everyone for your hard work. I will enjoy every last minute of this game once it's out.
  10. Hope everyone had a great Christmas, X-mas, etc.

  11. Happeh BurfdeihooooOO0O00ooOhurpdedeedurpeluffiekins. whatthehelldidijustfluffinsay?!

    Happy Birthday @ Who the crap is Amethyst Liddell.


    Burp. Excuse me. Lemme know if you have had your daily dose of stupid and cake. Especially the cake. Did you know that the cake is a l...


    WE INTERRUPT THIS RAMBLING TO SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY AME! HAVE A GREAT DAY! *Strangles my talkative alter ego half to death as our voices fade away into the abyss*



    1. Amethyst


      what DID you just say

      thanks though!

  12. EDIT: THIS TOPIC IS STILL OPEN FOR ANYONE WHO DIDN'T READ THE SUBSEQUENT POSTS. STILL LOOKING FOR CHARIZARDITE X. Okayyy, sooo... I searched around different forums on reborn and I assume that this is the correct place to post this. If not, then I'm sorry, I tried. Anywho: Imma copy/paste from my gamefaqs post since it is not getting any hits: Went through the trouble to breed an adamant charmader in AS and spent BP to move tutor fire/thunder punches- all just to use in Y. Then, I found out I can't buy it from the stone emporium like I thought. Can't put megastones on GTS either. I am at a loss. Does anyone happen to be willing to trade me a Charizardite X? I am willing to trade my Charizardite Y for it. Remember that you must be playing Pokemon X/Y/Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire to make the trade.
  13. My head almost went numb from reading the title... but this time it didn't... A - Am I... Getting used to this? I don't know if that is a good sign or bad sign for my brain, nor what that says about me. Buuuuuttt... On the real, great update Cass! We all really appreciate your hard work.
  14. My head almost went numb from reading the title... but this time it didn't... A - Am I... Getting used to this? I don't know if that is a good sign or bad sign for my brain, nor what that says about me. Buuuuuttt... On the real, great update Cass! We all really appreciate your hard work.
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