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Fiammazure last won the day on August 15 2013

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About Fiammazure

  • Birthday 08/23/1996

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  • Interests
    Yu- Gi- Oh!.
    Oh and Pokemon too.

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  1. Can't connect to Showdown server, halp pl0x.


  3. Is the PO server offline?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fiammazure


      which sub-room?

    3. Abyssreaper99


      Ain't the showdown one not up due to problems down their end. Did Ame have a topic in Mews and Announcements yesterday?

    4. Maelstrom


      it's up now. just use the link I put up. We're in there. Not listed on PS as a subroom.

  4. > run qliphort.exe > If err404 then = 4/10==14 //outlier.corrupt!on > re:EDIT run confirmilluminati.exe Undefined >> Forcing Shutdown. > Error Skynet Online.
  5. ._.

    1. Maelstrom


      Everybody looks like that when they first wake up.

    2. Felicity
  6. Please help me correct as my state of mind at the time wasn't at it's apex. tyvm.
  7. Bacon or bacon? Is your power OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ? Which is first : Chicken or Egg?
  8. Preemptive Strike : When the opponent uses a priority move, your pokemon gets his move +1 priority higher.
  9. This topic is still alive and kickin'? I'm so impressed right now ._.
  10. Just noticed that I'm always taking the relucant job/role in-game, turns out it's also the most OP

  11. Wizards and Sorcerers Character Name: Sebastian "Raël" Grandée ( Elven name pronounced "Rel" ) Race: Half-Elf Class: Wizard Guild: White Saint Way of Casting Spells: Vocal ( Healing and Non-self-Buffing ) Movements ( Fleeing maneuvers ) Focus ( Self-Buffing ) Spec ; No spec. Hybrid Divination/Evoker/Enchanter ( The "Jack of all trades" Style) Appearance and Age: - Short/medium black haired, Blue-eyed, Wears a Dark robe with a sky blue scarf and leather Boots/Gloves - seems 50 or older judging by maturity or sometimes even 8, is barely 20. Personality Overview: - Uses a facade of happiness and trolliness. - Almost totally neutral to any situation, will mostly not get himself involved unless brought in by someone else. - Attentive, almost doubtful of unknown people. - Oblivious. Backstory: Blessed by Seeker when he was born during his childhood he was friends with one of his daughters. He had a harsh combat education with his human father while he learned magic with his elven mother giving him both the ability to fight with weapons and magic, he mostly had a content life until 14, when his family was killed by a man in dark clothes, he then swore to avenge his family and let none suffer the same fate. He also promised to be the strongest individual there is, so he would have the power to protect. Later, he was sought out by the White Saints as he was not harmful to others, quite the contrary, he repetitively saved villagers and their families from local bandits, killing one-third of them all including their leaders, and spread the word to not steal anymore. Known to many as the one wizard to fight with a rapier, many rumors are heard, the most notable one being that he had slain a dragon, that isn't true, although many believe him to be able to.
  12. Can someone remind me of the scenes described in shade's gym?

    1. Sheep


      Corey falls off the bridge, Kiki is killed by the garchomp, Amaria is pushed off something by someone I can only assume is Titania, and Lin is killed somehow. Best I can describe it is that she gets cut to pieces by a bunch of fast moving streaks and then her head falls off. Like being killed by ninjas with swords.

    2. Fiammazure


      alright thanks.

    3. Timber Dragon

      Timber Dragon

      I actually couldn't recognize some of them. I saw Corey and Titiana and I THINK Amaria, but I wasn't sure if it was Kiki and Lin in there.

  13. Por que not los tres? and btw, the poll can allow all 3 at the same time.
  14. [b] Trainer's Name(s): Fiam [/b] Ever "caught 'em all": Only on R/B, with the help of my cheaty cousins. Games Played: Y/R G/S R/S/E P/D/Pl the gen 5 games with reshiram e_e Spin-off games played: TCG(GBC. only the first one.) pinballGBC Colosseum/XD Any TCG decks: bought mahself an alakazam deck back in 2004. Favorite Generation for Pokémon: 6 Favorite Generation for Games: 4 Favorite Game: D Favorite Spin-off game: XD Pokémon that needs to exist: Dragon/Fairy Pokémon that needs to not exist: more baby pokemons Dream PokéJob (breeder, elite four, etc): ...You see, everyone's dreamt of being a pokemon trainer, travelling abroad to the unknowing, fighting new people every day discovering things every day getting more bonds with your pokemon and catching new pokemons. but as such it's kind of a shame that you can't do that since it's a fictive game but nonetheless I believe that it's good for everyone to nuture a dream deep inside you for later, cause I'm kind of 17 now and still want to slack off but whatever...   And that's why I want to be a pokemon trainer that travels regions with a megacharizardX to prove that it's the best megapokemon ever. cough. Alan OVA cough. Currently Playing: Reborn Favourite Pokémon: Reshiram / Kyurem-W/B / MCharizard X / Pelliper Favourite Starter: Charmander / Totodile / Torchic / Piplup / Snivy / Fennekin If you could have anything for a starter: Gimme mah Arceus. Favourite Pokémon Song: Gen 3 Dub OP (I'm unbeatable) Favourite Kanto Leader/E4: Blue Favourite Johto Leader/E4: Blue Favourite Hoenn Leader/E4: Steven Favourite Sinnoh Leader/E4: Kind of forgot who there was. Favourite Leader/E4 overall: Gary Oak Thoughts/performance on (Super)Contests/Pokéthon: Great thing to pass time Favourite Pokémon Movie: The one with Latios/Latias Favourite Animé Episode: The one where ash will win the league Favourite Type: Steel Favourite Strategies: Stall/Sweep/Inflicting status Favourite Characters: ME. or Riley. or Alan.
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