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About LGND Red

  • Birthday 02/27/1995

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  • Interests
    Anime/manga and Pokémon.

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  1. Been away for a few months.....would that mean i need to update my game?

    1. Shanco
    2. LGND Red

      LGND Red

      Thank you :), now time to go try and figure out how.

  2. Not to leave this fun topic but I happened across this clip from the new Pokémon special.(I haven't watched it yet) http://kotaku.com/the-new-pokemon-anime-is-so-brutal-1440434985 Looks pretty violent, not to bad though.
  3. That last scene with the wall was pretty good imo.
  4. I was actually thinking about watching another myself. Have you tried Myanimelist, you can keep your lists online. Here's one of the lists for upcoming anime. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime/upcoming/tv
  5. Wow they do look cool, watch them turn out better looking then the real ones.
  6. Yeah once you hit episode 6 you might as well finish it. Have you seen all the new anime for the fall season......what little social life I had died when I saw all of them.
  7. I didn't recognize him at first, I was like "wait whose this guy." My favorite character was Ahmey Nice avater, Rozen Maiden is great. haha I just read your signature.......LMAO
  8. I'm just happy it's been confirmed that we can customize our character.
  9. (A little late I know) Druago is decent and it has a second season. S2 wasn't as good imo.
  10. Just took that what pokemon are you quiz......porygon :(

  11. 8/10 background emphasizes the character nicely and there's a giant version in your sig.
  12. I like this place more and more every day.
  13. I always thought Ev's and nature hunting was there to entertain older fans, not sure how I feel about it being easy. Its not really a big deal though.
  14. You might be right, I know there are several episodes where regular fish are seen swimming but I can't remember if I have seen them roasting fish.
  15. Diffrence between pokemon and real world bugs. "Misty is scared when she sees a Caterpie, and Ash tries to calm her down by reminding her that it's a Bug-type Pokémon rather than a "real" bug. Pidgeotto is seen eating a regular worm before being captured by Ash." Examples of Normal food, somebody mentioned wanting some proof. "Brock attempts to attract customers to a restaurant by advertising unusual animal-themed dishes, including french-fried flounder, seven-layered crab cakes, squid on a stick, and clam juice snowcones."
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