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Everything posted by Mokoz

  1. thanks found the last nim clone. does anyone know where the move tutor is because she is not at her house.
  2. ok I just beat Narcissa and found all the Nim clones but the Red is Blue lady hasn't moved. am I going the wrond direction? also do I have to do to Amethyst cave to find Narcissa Tm?
  3. well I just beat her actually I trained a pyroar, quagsire, houndoom Pyroar=mvp thanks though
  4. that sucks, are there any more places I can get ability capsules? I already used the one I had at the beggining of the game.
  5. really I beat the 3rd gym where at do I get it?
  6. When or where do I get the mining kit? Edit: are there anymore Ability capsules?
  7. my gym leader is Narcissa [greninja] | [38] [Hard Stone] [Protean] [Lonley] - Bounce - X-Scissor - Smack Down - Water Pulse [Noibat] | [37] [None] [infiltrator] [bashful] - Roost - Air Cutter - Wing Attack - Bite [Garbodor] | [39] [None] [stench] [Hasty] - Sludge Bomb - Toxic - Acid Spray - Toxic Spikes [swoobat] | [36] [Twisted Spoon] [simple] [Quirky] - Future Sight - Confustion - Air Slash - Calm Mind [Nidorina] | [31] [None] [Poison Point] [Carful] - Bite - Cut - Rock Smash - Double Kick Want to evolve Her before I start leveling her up again but i don't know where to get the stone or the Mining kit [sceptile] | [38] [Rose Incense] is Miracle seed better or do they do the same thing [unberden] [Naive] - Pursuit - Dual Chop - Mega Drain - Leaf Blade [Meditite] | [36] [None] [Pure Power] [Jolly] - Fore Palm - Hi Jump Kick - Bulk Up - Detect I'm pretty sure you can see my I have to bench her for this battle pokemon in my box are Sewaddle 12 Tyrougue 10 Mime Jr. 15 Gothita 20 Nuzleaf 15 Illumise 21 Deerling 23 Skitty 20 Venipede 24 Pidegeotto 24 Murkrow 26 (I have a dusk stone) Anyways I am willing to catch a train New pokemon so any help would be appreciated Edit: items that you might want to know I have. Miracle Seed Heart Scale Thunderstone Zinc Rare Candy x2 TM's Roar Bulk up Facade Rock smash Cut
  8. I use photoshop cs5 for mostly everything
  9. this might sound weird but the pokemon I really like is furfrou. I wonder if the way you cut its hair affects its stats hopefully it does.
  10. ok after doing some evaluating I put together the pokemon that I thought supported each other best using these standards -There cannot by more than 4x weakness to any one type - there cannot be more than 3 pokemon filling the same type of offensive role such as physical/special attackers (mixed attackers are an exception) - I try to at least fit in one special/physical wall in the team but i'm ok without one so give me advice on what I should maybe change in the teams __ -Garbodor, Camerupt, Togekiss, Hunchkrow, Porygon, Gardevoir, __ -Growlithe, Simisage, Duskull, Scraggy, Magnaton, Crobat __ -Cofagrigus, Toxicroak, sharpedo, Gigalith, Whimsicott, Donphan __ -Vulpix, Tangela, Makuhita, Gligar, Zoura, Chansey (chansey need to be replaced with something for the time being) __ -Swampert, Macargo, Drifblim, Persian, Also can you evolve gligar in the game yet?
  11. so basically at the end I will have 5 different teams of 6 so Vulpix, garbodor, growlithe, camerupt, and swampert will be on different teams and tangela would be on a team with vulpix. however I do like your team ideas so I will use your suggestions thanks
  12. well some strategies I use it to set up toxic spike sometimes you might need to use one of your pokemon as death fodder to get ahead -to grind go in the underground caves where you saved Victoria from team meteor and bash unown, they give a lot of exp this place is good for pokemon lvls 20-40. -status infliction paralysis, sleep, toxic, and burn are really helpful. thats all for now i will come back when I have more.
  13. So since I know that I will be switching my Pokemon around along with the fact that I have a lot of Pokemon I want to use I decided to just make 5 teams of 6 with the Pokemon I have. so would like some help making these teams(I still need two more Pokemon but I'm not decided on what they will be) any help is appreciated. The list below are the pokemon some of them I'm waiting to lvl up until I get what I need Example. waiting to lvl up porygon until I get an upgrade. If you want to know the move set just ask and I will type it up. What I'm thinking so far is (it can always Change.) __ -Vulpix, Tangela, Makuhita, Gligar, Zoura, Chansey __ -Garbodor, Camerupt, Sharpedo, Hunchkrow, Porygon, Gardevoir, __ -Growlithe, Simisage, Duskull, Scraggy, Magnaton, Crobat __ -Swampert, Macargo, Drifblim, Persian, __ -Cofagrigus, Toxicroak, Togekiss, Gigalith, Whimsicott, Donphan
  14. those are great keep up the good work.
  15. Ok so I have Vulpix and a Growlithe and one fire stone and I want your guys opinion on who I should evolve. Also can I get more than one fire stone if so I will evolve Vulpix first.
  16. A little digital paint, I'm not that good at drawing but i"m learning. These two are just practice and are not finished so tell me what you think.
  17. well I do a lot of filter and blending mostly because I play around and see what I like. i get my textures from a lot of different places usually in bulk with big downloads. But I will see if I can find some of the places I used for resources and get back to you. @Jacze what about the eyes?
  18. so this is where I will post my artworks tell me what you think and also feel free to ask questions.
  19. Mokoz

    How to catch Zoura

    Thanks so i will have to play hide and seek.
  20. I heard you can catch Zoura in the game i just wanted to where it is.
  21. ok Thanks everyone I just BEAT him ! the team was lvl. 37 garbordor lvl. 37 scraggy lvl. 37 crobat lvl. 37 murkrow lvl. 36 gigalith lvl.36 donphan (didn't see any battle actually) so thanks again
  22. one of my previous matches i had my trubbish had no problems with his dusclops. Yes his rotom does have energy ball but wont effect swapert since it is ground, But swampert is still at a disadvantage because of levitate. so swampert will probably be taken out.
  23. thanks i will definitely save my giga a crowbat for his chandlure. i wanted to set up with my trubbish's toxic spikes but I don't have time I was thinking of evolving it.
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