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    Cute Pokémon! ♥~

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  1. 1:30 AM here and I'm about to play Reborn. Haha. I really can't fix this sleep schedule.

    1. Exalted


      try sleepig pills or counting mareeps

  2. So apparently Reborn has sharpen my Pokemon skills so much that parts I struggled with my first play through are now a lot more manageable than I thought they'd be.

    1. Exalted


      yeah reborn will do that i remmber i once played firered with a special primeape and won reborn will not forgive that

    2. Monochrome_Complex


      First playthrough, ep 14 mind you. Charlotte took me like 2-3 hours to beat. 2nd playthrough? Beat her first try,and it was a 5-0 victory.

  3. My sleep schedule is beyond destroyed.

    1. Cobalt996


      Give in to the melodious beckoning of not having a sleep schedule...

    2. Shing


      It happends. Just try to get it back. You can do this!

  4. I enjoy renaming. I think it causes me to get more attached to my team so it is harder for me to switch out Pokemon to form better teams sometimes lol.
  5. Shiny Walrein looks like one sassy beast. LOL! Really not a good shiny color for Walrein.
  6. My first game was Pokemon Red since everyone at my elementary school told me it was A LOT better. Not sure why I listened to them. I should of picked blue. Why? Blue is my favorite color and I'd pick Squirtle over the others any day. Staring at red pixels all day for months may be why I grew up to hate the color red so much! haha.
  7. This is awesome. I been looking for a good excuse to jump into Pixelmon. I will probably try to join up in the near future.
  8. Thank you for explaining! I think I understand it better now.
  9. As I said my first play through I didn't have Magikarp, but even with Ralts the game was still hair pulling out difficult for me. Sweeping was never a thing unless I had crazy luck with crits and weaknesses combined. I can see getting rid of one, but not both. Anyways I'm sure in time I'll fill out my team! So far my team is very far from impressive. A Wingull and a Poochyena is on my team... must I say more? lmao. I'll be replacing them ASAP, but it is kinda what I'm dealing with early game. LOL that is one way to play. If that works for you, more power to you! I will pass though. I re-read the little panel taking about the fields a few times and don't fully understand it. When you say axed, what do you mean? They just fall over and drop to 0 HP? I did the first gym and it just seemed like electric moves were boosted. I didn't see any disadvantages the gym leader was facing. I don't understand how you can turn it around to benefit you yet since obviously using electric on electric for example isn't going to help. I got as far as the end of Ep 9 so I know I can do it. Although I got that far with a solid and diverse team. It was difficult but doable. Thank you for the info. I'm not liking how many Pokemon were dropped. Some are strong, but I don't think they would be game breaking to Reborn. In my opinion the game was difficult enough. Anyways, I'll make do. It is just surprising coming back to hear about these drops/changes.
  10. I recently posted a reintroduction on the forums about how I have came back to Reborn after 2 years to start over. At the time the last episode that was out was 9 (which I finished then). I'd thought I'd share my experiencing coming back: It turned out that I forgot a lot about Reborn and it has been making playing through it again more exciting. I'm often wondering if something is new or there is something I forgot. All had been going good, but then I started to notice things I knew were different. What?! Field advantages in gyms?! Weren't they difficult enough? So I said fine, I'll deal. Then I noticed something else, why can't I get Magikarp or Ralts? A quick google search made me realize I hadn't forgotten how to got them, but they are gone/late[r] game in the latest releases! I got as far as I did with my first play though because of Ralts, so I feel kinda lost without them. My first play through I didn't even use Magikarp I was hoping that I could change things up and use them, but nuuuuuuuu! (No, I'm not going to cheat by starting up an old version of Reborn) I can see some extra difficulty now when it comes to forming a solid team. Let's say I'm not too happy about that. I'd label myself as an 'informed casual' Pokemon player and at this point I feel concerned. I really hope nothing else was changed that connects to boosting the game's difficulty. I'll update this post if I run into anything else surprising, but it seems like I may need to ask for some advice later! If you think there is something I should know, please leave a reply or PM me! ♥
  11. Good to be back :D

  12. Thank you everyone for the warm welcomes! I'll do my best! ♥ 4 runs a week?! Jeez, might as well if that is the case. I wish I had your patience/skills!
  13. Hello everyone, I thought I'd reintroduce myself! I was once pretty active in the Reborn community but ended up quitting right before the release of Ep 10. My save file was corrupted and I didn't have it in me to start all over. No BS: I was pretty salty. Reborn is not an easy or fast game to play after all, but years later here I am. The fact I let a save file stop me from playing Reborn has haunted me since. I kept randomly thinking about Reborn and wondering how the game's development had gone since my quit. So when I was looking for a new game to play today, Reborn popped up in my head again. It was time to start over. I came here to find out that there has been 6 whole episodes added since I last played and talk of the next episode! That definitely boosted my motivation. So please send me some luck for some extra crit hits while I replay Reborn. I'm not someone who usually enjoys replaying games, especially difficult games, but Reborn deserves a second chance. I've played a lot of other Pokemon fan games and still nothing compares to Reborn. I hope we can become friends! :]
  14. I understand leaving it to the author. I can agree with that, since if I ever made one I require a decent amount. Still, I think there should be zero circumstances when someone should post less than two sentence. Even if you describe the setting or scene in more detail for the sake of development would be fine. Also, normally one someone posts very short replies, a lazy chain reaction often happens. Then the quality of the rp plummets, to the point it may cause the entire rp to end. Maybe I just been rping too long, but I believe this is especially true in forum posts, where you have to wait sometimes hours for a reply, it isn't fun to see a two sentence reply after a long wait. I think anyone can post a fleshed out paragraph (4-7 sentences) at least. I guess this goes with the other members leaving off in a bad spot. But yeah... If people don't mind short replies, I guess just leave it to the GM-OP, whatever you want to call it.
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