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About DarkLight

  • Birthday February 17

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  • Alias
    Dark, Dark2Light
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Pokemon, Old school YuGiOh, reading, sleeping

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    Holy shit I was on a nostalgia trip and suddenly saw you've been online recently! o.O


    Are you back? Do you still remember me? Jk just say you didn't even if you did to please my ego.

  2. As far as I remember, the steps I did are as follows: 1) Complete ALL of the Aqua Gang quests (missing Pokemon, Mrs. Cradbury, beating Magma gang, etc) 2) Story progress until Reborn City is restored. 3) Go down to 7th Street and find Archer to initiate job application quest. --> Archer is close to where Type: Null's entrance is/ close to the secret entrance where we chase down Bennett to save Luna. I did this back in EP17. The only issue I had is finding Archer in 7th Street because he looked like some of the trainers down there. I hope this helps.
  3. Starry Knight is correct. My train is closer to the fountain in the forest, but it is associated with Eevee, not Maractus. I was unaware of the new train right in front of the railroad's exit because I try to avoid the forest of lag like the plague. You are correct. My train is close to the fountain, but it is associated with Eevee. I didn't know about the new train right in front of the exit that gives an egg.
  4. Ohhh, that's new. I just saw the line from the map and went back to said line of trains from the city. I didn't bother walking up to find this. Thanks for the heads up!
  5. Read the book on the train (right in front of my character). It will give you some info on a sidequest for a Pokemon. Also, ignore my text box. I think I have my F8 key registered to something...
  6. Hi Ice Cream! I found this error involving multi-strike moves like Pin Missile and Fury Attack. Every time a Beedrill uses Fury Attack on my Roserade (who has Poison Point lol), I will get this error message below. The battle then continues and the game operates normally, but Fury Attack will only hit that one time and stop. Not that I'm complaining, I don't like these moves anyway. I don't believe I have this issue when I use Silvally or any other Pokemon but I can test it out if you need me to. Exception: NoMethodError Message: undefined method `hasWorkingAbility' for nil:NilClass PokeBattle_BattlerEffects:127:in `pbCanPoison?' PokeBattle_Battler:1449:in `pbEffectsOnDealingDamage' PokeBattle_Battler:2967:in `pbProcessMoveAgainstTarget' PokeBattle_Battler:2886:in `each' PokeBattle_Battler:2886:in `pbProcessMoveAgainstTarget' PokeBattle_Battler:3371:in `pbUseMove' PokeBattle_Battler:3351:in `loop' PokeBattle_Battler:3374:in `pbUseMove' PokeBattle_Battler:3616:in `pbProcessTurn' PokeBattle_Battler:3615:in `logonerr'
  7. Hi Ice Cream! No problem on the movesets and Multi-Attack. It's not useful early game anyways since I don't have any memories for it to use. I'll just use the Move Relearner then. Thank you for creating such a carefree fangame! I'm really enjoying it after Reborn and Insurgence.
  8. Has anybody used a Silvally whose level up moves are Type Null's? I chose Type Null as my starter, evolved at level ,2 and then Silvally didn't learn Multi-Attack nor Bite when it reached level 15. I got Imprison instead, which what Type Null learns at level 15. It's not a big deal, but I thought I would point it out to align it with the official games. Their movesets are very similar so I didn't notice it until I looked them up just now. If this change was intentional, then please ignore this.
  9. I fkn still remember you, one day you will see this shit.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DarkLight


      Oohh, I have discord! It's so convenient too!


      What happened to the remaining 2/10? lol

    3. Felicity


      We dont talk about the remaining 2. They were exiled due to the conflict of opinion.

    4. DarkLight


      So much for freedom of speech lol!

  10. As I explained to Acqui, I'll try and stick around as a player, but I just don't know when I could pick up the pen and write as actively as I did. As a result, it's better for me to hand it off to someone who can push it along rather than having everyone wait on an inactive host trying to find a muse that just won't appear. Perhaps reading some books can help me. I haven't read for fun in years, and those are what kept my imagination alive...
  11. Dobby, it has nothing to do with your writing at all. In my case, I have been slowly losing interest in roleplaying in general due to a combination of writer's block and other interests that distracted me. Despite my inactivity, I do read the ICs to try and find my motivation again. It's just not happening yet.
  12. As I have stated on the other RPs that I participated in, I have been losing my motivation to roleplay anything lately. It's just that I'm interested in other things and I don't feel like writing anything lately. As a result, I think I am going to resign as host to avoid stalling this out even further. I will message Tacos, Acqui and Notus to see to the arrangements. I'm sorry for being such a crappy host D:
  13. Just a heads up, I know I said I would get back in RP'ing after my exams, but I really don't have the motivation to roleplay as much as a used to. Call it writer's block or just plain ADD, but I'm having more fun breeding competitive Pokes and doing other things nowadays. So, I want to say sorry for my lack of activity here.
  14. You are doing a decent job all things considered. But, I understand your decision ^^ I have to apologize for a lack of activity here on the forums in general. I'm just not motivated to RP as much as a used to. Call it a writer's block if you want to, but I'm also having more fun breeding for competitive battling and other things. D:
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