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Everything posted by DarkLight

  1. That too can work well if you don't mind breeding. If you are in a dire need of a physical wall, Swampert is pretty reliable in this aspect whereas Vaporeon needs to set up with Aqua Armor.
  2. Vaporeon: Has better moveset that can utilize its high special attack (Muddy Water, Hydro Pump, Aurora Beam, etc). Swampert does not naturally learn good physical moves for a long time, so you might want to wait on training it.
  3. I was actually going for a Staraptor with Intimidate, only to end up with Reckless. Like Noorel, I tried resetting to get Intimidate, but all I got was Reckless. Maybe the ability was predetermined when we caught our Starly, like how the ability was determined for we hatch pokemon eggs?
  4. I chose Cyndaquil because I wanted to challenge myself without having great abilities like Iron Fist, Speed Boost, etc. And it is also because I like Quilava ever since 2nd generation came out.
  5. If she is not in the forest, it means she has not teleported yet from Spinel Town. First, make sure it is a clear day, since she only appears then. The lady will be in Spinel Town near the Pokemon Center, like Arom said. Walk around the town for a bit and wait for her to be teleported to the entrance of the forest, by the Tanzan Mountain that leads to that secret cove. Afterwards, well, it is straightforward.
  6. DarkLight

    Black Sludge

    I caught a Trubbish with it in the alleyway where the Aqua gang is while training up.
  7. DarkLight


    You can buy Common Candies (300 apiece) that reduce your pokemon's level by one each in the candy shop. It is by the park in Obsidia. You need it to be a windy day and you will first see the kid by Shade's gym, I believe it's Beryl Ward...?
  8. Pidgeot: My favorite type is flying; has pretty even overall stats; and the Pidgey line is considered to be docile and avoids conflict, which is what I tend to do.
  9. My first shiny was a Natu in the safari zone (Sapphire version), but my first shiny capture was a Numel.
  10. Mine will have to be Jolteon. I remember it saving me from Sabrina's gym in Yellow Version and loved using one every since. It has not let me down yet despite its frail defense.
  11. I'm glad I'm not the only one that likes Cain. In my opinion, Cain is pretty funny through his flirting; he pushes the boundary on what is appropriate in a Pokemon game with his innuendos. Some of them flew over my head until I saw Shofu's video comments (in particular is the "beating" being more "intimate"). It may also be the fact that his "choices" hits many controversial topics that we are dealing with right now in society. By the way, since Fern is based off of an ex-leader, is Cain based off of anyone in the Reborn League too? And on that topic, Fern is a sore loser in my eyes. He talks big, but no bite. Although after reading Energy's reasoning on why she loves Fern, I wonder if there is a reason for Fern acting that way too. Hmm...
  12. Oh, I'm not sure about that. I got Pichu way after I beat Florinia (that was her name I think). I totally didn't even know that the garden existed for training until I found out about the Starly event when I was looking for things to take out Kiki.
  13. DarkLight


    A little old topic but Everstone can also be bought for $200 in the Department Store once you get all of the stickers as of Episode 9.
  14. You can get an Odd Keystone by mining one of those glowing rocks with the mining kit.
  15. Oops, looks like I still have a lot of learn about this game, it seems~ Thanks for the heads up!
  16. That will explain why I got a Quick Feet Jolteon instead of Volt Absorb. Luckily I saved before I evolved it so I can go for Magic Bounce Espeon instead!
  17. Ah, Shushup beat me to it! But I think it has to be on a clear day in order to make it appear, at least that is how I encountered him.
  18. Yes! A million times thank you!
  19. Around 90 hours, 6 badges. Like some of us here, I trained up some pokemon that I might not use in the future. It also doesn't help that I ev train them.
  20. I found 3 so far; the first one is already mentioned by dePaz. Another one is found by pressing A on a rock by the Yureyu Building. And I found my 3rd one by trading a rare candy to some street bum in the Obsidia slums (you'll see him on the top of the building) on a clear day.
  21. I don't get it... The sprite is the good one from gen 5 (thanks Ame!)... So, is it because of the useless Quick Feet ability on a Jolteon...? Just a note, Jolteon is my favorite Pokemon so this is (bad) news for me. @Energy: Heart Scales are minable anywhere as long as there is a glowing rock. Just soft reset for the things you need.
  22. That would be really nice if you can put it in! And, maybe when Hidden Power TM is out, there can also be an IV checker that tells the player what HP type it is too? I know we have Kecleons that can be used to find the type, but they can be pretty difficult to find.
  23. For the Cradily, I just spammed Brick Break with Scraggy and let Crobat and Quilava (or any fire pokemon) take care of the rest of the team. First Brick Break took 3/4 of Cradily's HP and it just used Curse on me.
  24. I would not recommend a water type for that fight though, since the leader is guaranteed to have a Vulpix with Drought (I have tried resetting to see if I can get a Flash Fire one for the fight, but no luck). A fighting type move will also hit the Houndoom since it is part Dark and its defenses aren't the best (Scrafty and Mankey/Primeape).
  25. That's strange. The Shiftry event should appear when it is windy weather; I found them when it was windy during the daytime. Maybe you were searching in a wrong place? The Shiftry and Nuzleaf can be found after you pass through a cave in the Beryl Cemetery (you need Rock Smash to get to that cave). That cave is on the ledge above you when you are going to the cemetery.
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