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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by DarkLight

  1. I'm free!!! But, I still need some time before I post anything due to catching up and family shenanigans over the weekend =.=
  2. I'm free!!!! So what did I miss?? Also, please give me a little more time to catch up~ Got some family shenanigans to do since it's my first weekend out for the semester.
  3. 20 Back here again? I didn't know Tacos goes great with numbers xD
  4. {Slade and Avis} Avis beamed happily as Slade's mood brightened up. It seems like her job here is done. So, once her pet was over, Avis craned her neck to find Danielle. It was time to prepare for their battle with Jacob, and they will need all the preparation they could get. Once the keen eyed bird had spotted Danielle, she crowed to get her attention. {Danielle} "Ah, there you are! Your Pokemon are restored to full health. Good luck in your next battle!" The nurse greeted Danielle as the coordinator neared the desk. She then handed over Zared and Corona's respective Pokeballs before she left Danielle to herself. "Glad to see you two are back~" Danielle said quietly, glancing at each of her capsules before she put them away. It was then that she heard her Murkrow's urgent cry. There was no doubt as to why Avis was acting that way; Jacob's battle was coming up. It was time to redeem herself in an official match, and they will make it an enjoyable one this time. Danielle grinned as she neared Slade to pick up her starter. "Alright, I get it, Avis. We won't make it easy for him to win this time, I promise~" Danielle then addressed Slade, giving a light tap on his fedora. "Sorry, dear, I want to hang out, but I got to prepare for Jacob's team. I'll make it up to you later, 'kay? You're welcome to come with me if you want though!" She gave him a wink before she began heading out. Danielle also gave the invite to Lana as well; the more the merrier, right? Plus, Avis and her Pokemon would love the critique on their battling skills. Despite being in the semifinals, Danielle actually felt more relaxed than nervous. Perhaps it was because it was because she will be facing her best friend or because she was getting the hang of her team. Either way, the coordinator felt pretty good about the next match.
  5. Welp, with finals going on, I'm afraid that I will have to take a hiatus until next Thursday. Dobby and beach crew, please feel free to bunny Arial as you see fit!
  6. Just a heads up: I won't be posting until next Thursday in order to study for finals. I already told Jory about this~ So, I'll wrap up my interactions now and bury myself in books. Feel free to bunny me if necessary!
  7. 43 Are you sure that there is a traitor among us?
  8. Take it to the battlefield like the men you are! And welcome back Pineapple!
  9. {Beach's troublemakers} 'Thank God that hit the sand, or else I will a lot of explaining to do at the auto repair.' Arial thought amusingly as she was dragged back to her fellow classmates. The green-eyed teen gave an amused chuckle as Ken attempted to get them out of this situation. "Glad to you hear you enjoyed it, mate. We could do that again sometime when the cops aren't around!" Arial suggested to the surprised boy. She only said that last bit in part to cement Ken's testimony and the other part... Well, it just seemed to fit in.
  10. {Jacob vs Danielle} "Roost up, Avis!" Danielle called before nodding to Corona, who hovered over the sand pit. "You should have taken out Corona first, my friend. Since you left her alone, she still has some firepower left~" At that instance, Corona fired an Incinerate towards the ice dome, creating a small hole for her to sneak into. The firebug chirped to get Avis' attention before she fired a barrage of fireballs to dry up the sand around her mentor, freeing her trapped wings. The water and ice combination definitely hurt the frail bird. She was lucky that her Roosting instincts kicked in in time before the ice had taken its full effect on her wet feathers. With a grateful nod, Avis took off once again and allowed the bug to sit on her back as she flew towards the structure. Despite the gravity of the battle, Avis couldn't help but notice that Corona has gained some weight. The bug felt heavier on her back since the last time they have flown like this... "Now break the sculpture with Steel Wing!" Avis snapped back into reality at her master's command. She will consult with Danielle about Corona's weight gain later. With her sturdy, metallic wings, the black bird rammed the dome, causing the ice to rain down on the participants below.
  11. {Beach Group} A loud rumbling could be heard getting closer and closer as Zander, Arthur, Ken and Roy attempted to get past Officer Flagstarr. Then, out of the blue, a white scooter carrying two students zoomed past the entrance, kicking up a cloud of sand as it roared by the group. If they listened closely, they could probably hear Arial screaming "El O el! Too slow!" While that might irked the stern police officer, that cloud does provide a good cover for Zander and the others to make their escape now...
  12. {Danielle vs. Jacob} Corona struggled due to exhaustion and the mushy mess clinging to her white fur. This is like the last time she fought and she hated it! It made her master cry! She will not have none of that again! So, instead of crying pitifully, the Larvesta screeched in defiance, covering herself in her warm flames again (Flame Charge) in order to dry out the sand around her. Avis' eyes lit up, seeing an opportunity to free her easily. Like Corona, the bird is not about to let that incident repeat itself, not on her watch. The Murkrow left her icy perch and dove straight into the sand pit, giving a "caw" to Teo as she passed by. Like a spoon to a bowl of soup, the mischievous bird then aimed a Steel Wing into Corona's dried up sand, lifting the bug up into the sky. Unfortunately, the bird will be left wide open for an attack. "Nice one Avis!" Danielle complimented her starter, who only gave a wink. "She's not as frail as you think, Jacob! Now, show off your Acrobatics girl!" In all honestly, Danielle was surprised at Corona's determination. Whether or not she wins or loses, Danielle was just glad to give Jacob a real match this time. Corona was only happy to comply. She will get back at Teo for trying that trick again even if it means she will go down! Using the last of her energy, the Larvesta began zooming around Teo at blinding speeds, leaving behind what seems to be two afterimages before she attempted to tackle Teo multiple times (Acrobatics).
  13. {Henry and Lana} Danielle shrugged at Henry before she walked off. "Fair enough. And Lana is right; the Ponyta boy's name is Pierre Debrosou. He hails from Kalos and aspires to be a coordinator, so you will have more than enough time to observe his movements~ Although I can't take him seriously. He appears to be more of a casanova than anything. You'll understand what I mean when you meet him." With that, she walked off towards the nurse's desk to fetch her injured Pokemon. {Slade and Avis} Avis tilted her head in confusion. What does he mean by "not knowing where to go" and the "reason to continue"? Do his friends and his master not mean anything to him? The Murkrow watched silently as Slade offered his thoughts. Wow, who knew that Slade could be serious outside of battling? Maybe Danielle was onto something after all. Finally, Slade fell silent, lost in his tormented mind. The black bird hopped onto his leg and nudged his clenched fist, attempting to get a pet or a stroke on the wing. Avis then looked up hopefully at the Murkrow-wannabe, crowing happily before she nudged his hand once again. She then pointed at herself before repeating the same nudging procedure. Hopefully, he will get the message: He should continue for Avis!
  14. {Danielle vs. Jacob} Danielle knew it was too late for Corona to react in time to escape Teo's jaws. Her small, chubby body isn't cut out for such turnaround maneuvers. So, she opted for a second option: Getting Avis into the field. "Little one, do a somersault into Incinerate towards the ice! Avis, direct your attention to Teo and use Night Shade!" Just like the performance that she had participated in, the firebug began to spin. The only difference is that she only fired one fireball, and that one was aimed at the ice curtain behind her. She continued to fall towards Teo's wide jaws with little licks of fire coating her body (Flame Body). Avis listened to the ice hissing from its contact with fire. As much as she would love to take out Chalchi first, Avis also believed that Corona was needed in order to deal with the ice element in the Lapras' arsenal. So, as soon as the hole was wide enough, Avis tucked herself right between the curtain for the laughs and entertainment. A small, black ball of aura (Night Shade) soon formed in front of her beak and was released when Avis locked her gaze on Teo's glowing jaw.
  15. Oh no, I'm sorry Tacos!!! To be honest, I have no idea why I kept doing that. I always tried to correct it after I found it but this one slipped past me ;_;
  16. Dobby got the gist of it. I have 2 finals coming up after next week so I'm trying to get my butt in gear for it. But I do have apologize for the inactivity. I tend to give 1 week for the RPers to respond to my last post. However, it never happens and then I get distracted and forget about this one. So, again, I apologize and after exams are done, you are sure to see this thing flying off again. Notus and Acqui/Code has also notified Tacos and me that they are having more free time nowadays so Chapter 4 will be more smooth than this.
  17. 79 @Link: I had class after the last time I posted. That's why I was out xD
  18. I would love to drag Danielle into this just to scare Alvin off but alas, I'm too late xD It's also because I have a paper to type up for tomorrow, so don't expect much from me today. It's also because I'm distracted by Battle Maison trophies, shh!!
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