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    Mareo, Molif, Lif
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    Drawing, Writing, Music, Reading, Anime, Gaming, hanging out, Movies, Cooking

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  1. Has anyone tried using a Pokemon with Tinted Lens?
  2. I have quite a few mainly due to EV-training: Chimchar - Infernape (3-breeding) Woobat - Swoobat (1-random) Noibat - Noivern (1-Random) Sewaddle-Leavanny (1-Shadow/Hunt) Purrloin (1-Random) Grimer (1-Random) Kricketot (1-Random) Weepinbell (1-Random) Geodude - Golem (2-Random) Medicham (2-Random) Lunatone (1-Random) Pidgeotto (3-Random) Tranquill (1-Random) Spewpa (2-Random) Slugma (1-Random) Pansear (1-Random) Numel - Camerupt (1-Random) Dunsparce (2-Random, 1-breeding) Meowth (1-Random) Blitzle - Zebstrika (1-Random) Hoot Hoot (1-Random) Noctowl (1-Random) Mightyena (1-Random) Sunkern (1-Random) Sunflora (1-Random) Karrablast (1-Random) Fletchinder (2-Random) Swablu (1-Random) Skrelp (1-Hunt) Zigzagoon - Linoone (2-Random) Togemaru (2-Random) Pancham (1-Breeding) Doduo (1-Random) Arbok (1-Random) Goldeen (1-Random) Herdier (1-Random) Kecleon (1-Random) Comfey (1-Random) Pinsir (1-Hunt) Beedrill (2-Random) Pumpkaboo (1-Random) Alolan Graveler (1-Random) Zubat (2-breeding) Elekid - Electivire (1-breeding) Spoink (2-Random) Charjabug (1-Random)
  3. Same here, I'm getting a "locked" as well. Is there another event we have to trigger?
  4. Man, YES! This is so the wave! I love that idea, Octavius! I wish I could hype this up so that it gets noticed. I've already bred 5 Pokemon already (6 if counting phantump) and I'm planning on breeding an electivire, but I'm not too keen on how tedious breeding is, especially when I'm not in a place, gameplay-wise, where I can farm heart scales and have to start over with Lvl 1 breedjects.
  5. Well, my luck must suck in the worst way because I've been on this since this morning with no luck but the very first Elekid I ran into was shiny
  6. Could somebody tell me what the percentage for Elekid holding the electrizer in Xen Labs? I've been SRing for more than 3 hours for it and still haven't found one. I'm even using a CE Butterfree, but still no luck. I'm running into a lot of great IV'd Elekids that I would love to keep, but I'd hate to go through the game and not have a way to evolve it until the very end or whenever Jan makes it purchasable.
  7. Could anyone tell me if there's any other place to get an electrilizer to evolve my Elekid up to Electivire? I've been SRing for one in the Backup Labs for the past 3-4 hours (with Compound Eyes), but no luck.
  8. Sorry about the late response, but I've been away from the internet for a while (If this is considered necro-posing then I am extremely sorry, but this was the earliest point that I could respond). Thanks everyone who gave me pointers and to Peanuts who fixed a lot of my mistakes. Thanks, man. I'll go back to the board and try working on the points everyone mentioned myself, if only to improve for myself. Hearing back from you all was really motivating. Thanks again
  9. Hello! I'm having a problem with my save file. It froze during the cutscene right before you enter Kakori village and now I'm stuck at the gates and for some reason my previous save file is from months ago and undoes a lot of training and breeding. Could someone please help me out? Game.rxdata
  10. Like the title says, I redid the battle sprites for shadow Mewtwo. I tried going for the Pokken-style Shadow Mewtwo. I used parts from M-Mewtwo X, Greninja, Boldore, and Deoxys-Speed to make this. I just really like the crystals and the glowing tail on Pokken Mewtwo, plus I think legendary Pokemon deserve their own unique shadow sprites, like Lugia. Also, I know the legs are horrible, but this is my current best. If anyone else here can fix them please do so and post them; I'll definitely use them
  11. I definitely WILL blame them for being good games! Those Gosh-darned, heckin' good games held my soul for the past few months and still do, to some extent. Needless to say, it was a lowpoint, but thanks to the love and support of friends & family and the pure, guiding light of the Almighty Kneesus, AKA Falcon-sama, I've returned to some sense of normalcy
  12. I've still yet to finish my playthrough I started when Verion 8 came out and V9 is already upon us... I blame Sun/Moon and BotW.
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