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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Antarte

  1. Gotcha. On my way. Username's Antarte. EDIT: Thank you very much. Appreciate it.
  2. Well, I got time right now. I'll get online and wait for the request. Hopefully you're still there. Username's Antarte.
  3. Ah, crap. I fell asleep. Are you still there by any chance?
  4. Very close to finishing the pokedex. I'd appreciate the help.
  5. Thanks a lot man. 'ppreciate it.
  6. Sure, go for it. I'll be waiting for the trade request.
  7. Alright, perfect. I'll get on right now. Username is Antarte.
  8. I did the event before, but I dunno what I did with that Lillipup. I checked all my PC boxes and I can't find it. I must've traded it to someone thinking I could catch it again somewhere, but nope.
  9. Need one for the Pokedex. Thanks in advance.
  10. Sure, no problem. I'll be waiting for the trade request online. Look for Antarte.
  11. Trying to complete the Pokedex. Thanks in advance!
  12. Alright, great! I'll get online now. Look for Antarte when you're done.
  13. Got a Gastly way back when it was available so I can't trigger the Misdreavus event again and I have no access to Citae Astrae after the city's restoration so I can't get Sigilyph. Also been mining for 2 hours and no Old Amber in sight. I'd appreciate the help.
  14. Alright, awesome. I'm gonna get online right now. Search for Antarte. EDIT: Thank you very much.
  15. This is the relevant stuff I've gotten since EP. 8 until now. Got more, but it's tiny stuff.
  16. Like, I know how to get to the little "cave," but moving one of "rocks" into one of the holes so I can have access there is close to impossible. There's just no way to hop around and stuff without spoiling your spores. x.x
  17. The rock maze in Route 2 is slowly killing me.... flat out impossible.
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