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  1. Thought this was a search bar ._.

    1. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      We all made that mistake

  3. Episode 10 expectations · One thing about this amazing, plot twisting, and addicting game is or sure the excessive lag. Despite the fact that is currently unavoidable and barely buffered by cheat engine download here: http://www.cheatengine.org/ it is still a huge pain. I hope in episode 10 lag will be can be fixed by happening not occasionally or not occurring at all (Most likely not happening) · More Pokémon. Pokemon Reborn does not offer all 649 Pokémon because it is supposed to be a challenging game. However, I would like to have some other pokemon that are not OP but still pretty good. For Ex. Kingdra. Aside from Flygon, which is a pain to obtain it would be nice to add another dragon type. I wouldn’t consider Kingdra being overpowered but I think it would be a great addition. Other cool pokemon like Darmanitan and Heracross would also be a good addition. · Abilities/Moves/Bugs/Crashes some moves such as Tri attack and nature power do not work. Also the abilities moxie is also not working. In episode it would be nice if some of these bugs are fixed. Also, crashes during saving games, and and walking into walls are also an issue, in episode 10 I hope this will be fixed. That’s all I have for now guys. Be sure to give any suggestions as well. I will probably also edit this so be on the lookout.
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