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Everything posted by 1nV1ktus

  1. I'm a sad man now Ame, and I so had a screenshot planned for you. It was gonna be a jolly technician swords dance breloom right beside my swords dance/protect adament speed boost blaziken, to pretty much say "Dark gym next... Problem?"
  2. Shroomish why are your feet so quick

  3. Shroomish why are your feet so quick

  4. 1nV1ktus


    Congrats, and ya I figure the heracross spawning are similar to eggs appearing in the daycare I think its units moved rather than time passed. Also I managed to catch a female heracross, but is breeding a moxie heracross impossible?
  5. 1nV1ktus


    The pole is in the railnet, you have to play with the switches so that the steel wall blocking the exit on the leftmost side of the screen is open. From there you will travel down some stairs leading to a dusk stone and the metal pole in the center of the room. I'll get screenshots if you still need some help.
  6. Quick question I'd like to touch on seeing as the '3 ability syndrome' has been fixed for wild encounters, can pokemon hatched from eggs can randomly generate their 3rd ability? Or do I have to find wild female version of a pokemon with their dream world ability if I want to breed children with that ability (going off of how gen 5 hidden abilities are passed down)? Either way Ame please increase shroomish encounter rate because this thing is driving me crazy :3.
  7. technician breloom

  8. so F1 doesnt work for mac, is there any way we can lower the volume?
  9. 1nV1ktus


    Aggron is a good choice is complete walls swellow and staraptor. You can get a aron in the railnet tunnel, but you will need headbutt. If you really want to beat on him, look for a skull fossil from mining and breed headsmash onto a rock head aron you won't regret it :3.
  10. 1nV1ktus


    Can you manipulate the clock to force their appearance?
  11. Hey all, Just thought I'd bump the thread and say that dream world abilities have been patched. So if you have a king's rock and a linkstone in your bag before you update you can get a drizzle politoed.
  12. Springing for SD/Protect is pretty simple as well. If you have mudkip you can grind it to 37 and breed protect onto bidoof, and from there is either sandslash or raticate for swords dance and bam you have competitive grade blaziken in your grasp.
  13. 1nV1ktus

    Joltik and beldum

    Thanks for the help all, I guess I'll work on getting heracross while I wait for episode 11. Although if Ame implements gen 6 by then pinsir may be more worth it (Mega pinsir with quick attack aerilite = stab + 30% quick attacks)
  14. 1nV1ktus

    Joltik and beldum

    I guess I was on 10 and not 10.1. Anyway caught beldum, now can you breed it with dittos?
  15. 1nV1ktus

    Joltik and beldum

    I downloaded the game this week, so I'm pretty sure I'm up to date. I'll try to get a screenshot of what I'm talking about so it may take a minute.
  16. 1nV1ktus

    Joltik and beldum

    So I'm at the place that mudkip was found. The path to the cave is not there for some reason. Did you complete all of episode 10 before attempting it? I haven't beaten Ramados (sp?) yet so that may be it
  17. Nice man, and #DatEevee
  18. So finally found one *_*, I highly recommend moving the time to early morning. Not entirely sure that time has much to do with encounter rates, but I found 4 of them this morning if that is any reassurance.
  19. Ya I think time matters, I seem to find ariados at night and ledian in the morning.
  20. Is anyone still having trouble finding this thing or is it just me? Been searching for days, but no poliwag just a bunch of gloom weepinbels and occasional Swanna's.
  21. Nice, I'm glad someone else decided it was worth it. Question though, do you plan on running it with ninetales on your team or as a stand alone sweeper? Both have their appeal - especially since you took the trouble to get Sunny Day on that thing - and I assume your last move is either sleep powder or growth, but it makes me wonder what item you are planning to use? I know you can get leftovers from munchlax in byxblysion (sp), heat stones from mining, and I think black sludge from grimers (have to check on that). Anyway I'm rambling, much kudos for completing the project. Hope to see more.
  22. Awkward... Lulz so this pick up army thing, do I actaully have to level them all or do all the items drop regardless of level?
  23. Nice, but who learns ice beam leveling up? Also I'm gonna have to invest some time in that phanpy army, also this breeding is breaking the bank.
  24. So I think I'll have to eat my words. After much more head bashing I found the missing link so to speak, and its tirtouga... So until gen 5 fossils make it in (Ame-sensei PLEASE!), I can't really abuse that particular poke. Anyway thanks again all, I think I'm pretty much set on this front but if you have anymore ideas feel free to bounce them off me. Stay Classy Reborn, 1nV1ktus
  25. May be a glitch in your in-game clock, it happens sometimes. Have you tried checking the t.v. for the weather report then adjusting your computers clock to match the day it's supposed to storm
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