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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Gaunt

  1. Trick Room eh? Pfff cheap tactic...not really, you absolutely crushed her in my run i just used brute force as usual (2 mons "died" but that's because i never use potions) my Flygon decimated her entire team (except Rotom). That Avalugg is a real pain good thing you had Horn Drill (i used Destiny Bond) Toxic works too. Btw if you didn't have Rhyperior what strategy would you use?
  2. Oh i know all this but there are many good Pokemon without the need to set up and...well Woobat is not (+ i don't like the design).
  3. Drink her blood, drink her blood! DRINK HER BLOOD! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!! AHAHAHAHaerhm sorry got too exited New Pokemon=good but it's a Woobat=bad well at least it's better than a Purrloin (i like the cat's personality though) Did you actually try to read the books in the library? ...nerd
  4. Can't wait to see your battle against Charlotte it should be good (still don't understand why so many people had problems with her i just spammed Earthquake and won on the first try) Princess is really beautiful congratulations! ...you do realize that after your answer Charlotte will like you more right? Ahh Fern you never change...he totally joined Team Meteor so we could kick his butt more often.
  5. That Purrloin is going to die (calling it right now) mine died in 1 hit after i literally carried him through half of Pokemon Black. Why run from something when you can blow it up? Remember Julia? You're 25% more cooler after standing at that street corner.
  6. The SUN Pokemon is not a Fire type? How is that even possible?
  7. A silver necklace with a dragon on it (a gift from my mother on my 15th birthday) it's always with me.
  8. How did i miss this? That's what i get for not visiting this part of the forum. Never played Rejuvenation myself (watched a couple of episodes on youtube) still don't know if i should (we'll see from your nuzlocke i guess). Leaving that Oshawott was cruel but funny so i approve! A freaking dragon starter that's gg (if i decide to play i'm gonna reroll till i get one) btw the battle was EPIC indeed.
  9. Amaria really made a splash this episode eh eh..erhm actually i was sad for her, it's obviously Titania's fault to leave the diary in the open and why even keep one if the other person can easily read it? And the game is cheating again...well the "worst" case is still ahead (in Ametrine)
  10. Everything...not allowed? Let's elaborate then (keep in mind that i'm egocentric): I'm proud of the fact that i'm more intelligent than most people i know irl, that i know several languages and that i've seen and experienced things (with books Internet and travel) that most of them never will (or even want to). I managed to ignore overcome and suppress the many (so many) tries of my family and friends to "convert" me to their way of thinking, choosing my own. Also i'm very stubborn (yes i consider it a good trait).
  11. From what i see you are talking about ZEL here not Zero and i agree 100% that ZEL is an interesting character/concept but for me Zero (as an individual) ceased to exist after the merge with the other 2.
  12. Cal has developed yes but how is Zero memorable? From what i remember he's just a generic Meteor grunt (maybe i missed some background story idk) that makes him plain imo.
  13. I love the banter between the trio of Gym Leaders and it seems that you're slowly getting used to Terra (just like with Cain) *ominous voice* soon you'll be one of us eheheahahah ahem. The battle with Samson was good (RIP Braniac) he's not very strong (despite his title) but still i'm surprised you lost only one Pokemon i usually struggle more but that's probably because i use mono steel teams. P.S. Why there were teeth on the moon?
  14. Nice episode too bad there were no memorable fights (there's Samson in the next one right?) but you did well by destroying that false prophet Goomy (Hail Helix!). P.S. Beware of Titania she is not a nice person, that is not saying much in Reborn but i always found her suspicious (and annoying).
  15. I'm getting Moon (didn't like Pyroar don't like it's mega either) and the infernal cat (unless later evolutions prove me wrong)
  16. M3G4 TERR4 is finally here! She will guide us to a new future of innuendos and stupid grade school jokes hurray! Waited for this episode for a long time but i thought you would be more annoyed with her (judging from your previous comments) well there's still time and you will encounter her many times in the future. I actually forgot about the Mallet thing they both should be dead (just like Amaria after a hit from Tyranitar) now i'm even more convinced that all Reborn Leaders are actually robots controlled by Ame. P.S. Box Forever is a great name for a Clefairy P.P.S.
  17. But wait! You forgot about the last member of the group "Shiarak the gaunt" a Black Dragonborn Warlock (really good guy despite the heritage and job)...oh right some devious space time magic froze him forever. Sorry i couldn't join (even had a character prepared) but at least i'll get to read about it
  18. I like how even Dero can't take anymore of this nonsense. Sooo 2 of your Pokemon got out by committing suicide...lucky. P.S. Intruder detected!
  19. Never played DnD irl (videogames yes) but watched many Roll20 shows on Youtube so i'm pretty familiar with it and would like to join but i live in Russia so time is going to be a problem, if there are not enough people count me in if not i'll just have to watch.
  20. By teleporting of course, everyone (in every Pokemon game) except the protagonist is able to do it
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