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Everything posted by Gaunt
RIP Igor you will be (probably not) remembered...btw do you still have his 15 orphans?...are they for sale? Aha! All Legendary Pokemon are genderless so that Celebi can't be female! I discovered your misdirection from the actual plot (the blossoming love story with May and/or Wally) ...what is a gun?
- 176 replies
- omega ruby
- rising ruby
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Meh Pokemon Rising Rainbow was better i'll give this 7/10
I loved Mass Effect 2 and 3 (minus the ending, even after the DLC) the first one was too "unfocused" for me to really enjoy (the premise was very good but the execution not so much) i still finished it being the completionist i am (main story was ok the side missions not at all). I was excited for the new one (hoping in vain it would not follow the MMO route of Inquisition) but my hopes were shattered in an instant after the first reviews came out, if even big/"important" sites have some complaints then there's something really wrong with your game (usually they praise every triple A title by default). Andromeda has 4 major problems imo: 1) Bugs - so many of them, not a surprise nowadays and fixable with time and effort. 2) Animations - there's no way around it they're just bad, plain and simple, i don't know who worked on them (those people should be fired btw) but (like many people pointed out) even the ones from the first game looked more "alive". I don't know if this can be fixed in any reasonable amount of time. 3) Voice acting - from main characters to companions to major NPCs not even one managed to sound convincing in his/her role, a couple were ok (like your dad and the Salarian pilot) but that's just it, after the previous games i expected at least good acting from the central characters instead we got this mess of bland and forgettable voices. Disappointed, even more so because it can't be fixed without huge amounts of money and time and let's be honest it won't happen. 4) Writing/plot - the main offender (for me) i watched only the first 3-4 hours mind you but even that was enough, where are my extreme reactions/options? No matter what you say the game continues on in the same general direction (just got painful flashbacks from the Fallout 4 dialogues). Where are my interesting companions? Where are the quirky and funny dialogues? Nowhere to be seen...it's just sad. As with the voice acting this can't be fixed. In conclusion: 2 of the 4 problems can (and probably will) be fixed but the other 2 remain and will not let me enjoy the game so it's a pass for me, i don't know if SJWs are to blame for this ruin of a game, sounds more like the result of (very) bad decisions during development and not enough time to me but who knows? ...too bad i really wanted to go back to the Mass Effect universe.
The same Mewtwo that fainted and (according to the "rules" of the game) should be unable to continue fighting in any form? I don't buy it, i would be able to accept it if she used a Max Revive or something during the cutscene but no nothing of the sort happens (Derogatory is right she basically cheated).
Wow! I bow to the great being that is Pounce she was exceptional this episode I was right in not playing this game. i can understand the enemy having very strong (almost unbeatable) Pokemon (like Solaris and his Garchomp) but you always have a (slim) chance to win, scripted defeats on the other hand are not very fun (especially if the game shows that you have won) RIP Barbara if not for that crit on TNT you would still be alive to help Sean staying on the Light Side but it's not all bad now he can join the Dark Side and begin his vengeance! That poor Mime jr...i would have left her there (go Team Dark Side!) P.S. How do you crawl heroically?
It's good to see you making friends with team Xen (it will suck when/if you'll have to kill them in the future but that's a problem for later) I can't believe you made TNT learn selfdestruct do you not care for his life? No? Me neither (never liked "ball" Pokemon for some reason) P.S. Sorry for misspelling Adrian (the funny thing is i don't even like Adrienn but i get them confused anyways) P.P.S. Chiller will get you when you least expect it...diabetes can be deadly.
Time travel eh? Now you can go to Reborn learn what disaster happened there and come back in time to fix it oooor win the poke-lottery and live a life of luxury....good luck (i would choose the second one) I like Flannery she's my favorite Gym Leader from gen 3 but i liked her more when she was more confident (aka her old version). I wonder who came up with Truant as an ability, i could understand it on a Pokemon so OP that even Mewtwo in gen 1 would be ashamed but Slaking? It's his "theme" and all but that ability really sucks
- 176 replies
- omega ruby
- rising ruby
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Keta was disappointing to watch (the shiny Lucario was cool though) at least we got Adrienn to make up for it btw Pounce is still the luckiest Liepard i have ever seen Poor Chiller he only wanted a memento from the fight what's wrong with that? And then you boxed him he'll probably hold a grudge...naaah he's too nice for that
That barbie ice cream nuzlocke was awesome, too bad you lost, well at least next time we'll get the barbie escapes from hungry animals one I honestly forgot Karen existed...she appeared in episode 4 or 5? Who wants to bet we'll get that mega ring from her bloody dead corpse sooner or later? I like Chiller he seems nice ...Sean listen to me it's very important...don't forget the CATASTROPHE...that's all
Okay first thing first: what happened to your majestic hair? Did you get assaulted by a Scyther or something? R.I.P. Doggle dogs don't go to heaven...probably because it doesn't exist but you're a fire type so it'll be fine It is just me or this episode was full of copypasta from Reborn? Skitty, Corey, gang war.
Ah i thought you aborted this run...this means there's still hope for Snakewood right? RIGHT? Probably not R.I.P. Decibel, she really saved you in that fight, her and Rose were probably the only ones able to survive those attacks. Loved the last part and btw what else was in Melia's bag? And don't you think your "best friend" Ren or Venam will notice you carrying it around?
Thanks for the episode and good holidays to you too but now the comments! Is that scene with the Celebi in the game? I never saw it (the ghost dude either and i usually talk to everyone) 3 new teammates and all 3 very strong (luck is with you again) the Honedge is my favorite so far i hope he becomes more bloodthirsty as he evolves (btw from which clan is Kermie?) It's strange for Tabitha to be stronger than Maxie, then again he was "going easy" on you and Darmanitan is better than Camerupt. Sooo Tabitha is dead...what happens when you meet him in the future?
- 176 replies
- omega ruby
- rising ruby
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Would you let another person die to save yourself? What imaginary monster you think is the scariest? The strongest?
A very bad person Noob Do't talk to me
Ask Me Anything And I Probably Won't Answer Like a Disney Villain!
Gaunt replied to Combat's topic in General Discussion
Who is your favorite villain?- 8 replies
- ama
- you encourage this type of behavior
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It's getting super hard to think of puns for these... (AMA)
Gaunt replied to Kurotsune's topic in General Discussion
In your opinion How many AMAs will this community survive before the inevitable collapse of our society? Do you believe in equality for everyone? If yes do you think it should be enforced? -
Damn this episode was harsh for you (and funny for us that song was perfect for Archie) almost as bad as Reborn. Tabitha needs to die Regalia, Dodgers and Quandry must be avenged (don't care about the pink blob) Professor Coconut seems like the best Pokemon expert in this region...which is not much but it's something
- 176 replies
- omega ruby
- rising ruby
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It's Darkest Dungeon
I feared Quandry died for a moment (good thing it had Sturdy). Did the Winstrates get a buff too? I remember them being weaker. P.S. There's nothing wrong with the globe, you were gone for too long and Reborn is now a lifeless desolated place...
- 176 replies
- omega ruby
- rising ruby
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Ah Wattson i really like his personality but his stupid Magneton ended 2 of my nuzlocke runs. I would've let Wally battle the leader with his one Pokemon, that would be funny to watch.
- 176 replies
- omega ruby
- rising ruby
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Dragons...but they don't exist so snakes/lizards will have to do
An interesting read, too bad it's (probably) not gonna work because this is Internet, of course the Reborn community is better than some in following rules/guidelines but in the end there are too many people who love chaos and bickering in their "discussion" and will not stop (often i am one of them) that's why lately i just avoid discussion entirely because i know where it will lead to. One thing: if a person is (for some reason) incapable of "empathy" does it mean they are not allowed to express their point of view?
and how much will it cost
Being without the site for a week will be hard (even more so because i don't visit Showdown lately) but i will endure and wait for it to be Reborn again
Combat Explains How You Can Survive The Zombie Apocalypse!
Gaunt replied to Combat's topic in General Discussion
Please enlighten me (i have a baseball bat if that helps)- 15 replies
- no this isnt a what I think
- for real
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