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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Gaunt

  1. In the Department Store i think
  2. I would like to see the possibility of your pokemon being killed if it faints maybe a 0.1% or from a super effective move (something like that)
  3. a sharpedo with speed boost maybe and of course a gyarados
  4. Definitly Serra i had to use a palpitoad with rain dance and quick claw to stop her damn hail.
  5. for Gen 1 Gary Gen 2 don't remember (but it was offensive) Gen 3 & 4 (same as Gen 2) Gen 5 Hugh
  6. Most common shiny for me is beedril (5 of them XD) then zubat (4) and trubbish (3) but i have a lot of them (mudkip too XD)
  7. Ok my Top 3 would be: 1) Gyarados because he's simply cool, i hope he will get a dragon typing in gen 6 (blue sprite ftw) 2) Gengar because that smile of his is the best XD 3) Groudon because i like the design
  8. Yeah the zorua event starts in North Obsidia Ward at night (it must be windy) in the Magma Gang hideout (or maybe Aqua i don't remember) it will disguise himself as another pokemon then you have to chase him around. The fire stone is hidden in the Pyrous Mountain (or you can just dig it using your explorer kit), the dawn stone is in Bysxbysion Wasteland (i think). To progress with the story go to the Grand Hall and talk to Ame.
  9. you need another pokemon (maybe zoroark) because dragonite won't be in the game very soon (i think) then you can switch him
  10. shuckle can be found using rock smash in apophyl beach but it is very rare
  11. Great quiz! But i didn't know how to respond to some (2 i think) of the questions (the answers weren't "right" for me ), well however i got pure steel type good!
  12. Gaunt


    i used an electabuzz to put down her tentacruel, then dragon dance with gyarados (once) and calm mind with gardevoir (once) and swept trought her team with aqua tail and psychic (took me 6-7 tries, mostly because aqua tail kept missing) all poke were level 45
  13. Directly from the 40 millenium i'm here to tame and dominate these xenos creatures called "pokemon" and...well...have fun with you all . Many thanks to Ame for creating this wonderful thing called "Pokemon Reborn" (and to an anonymous youtube poster who introduced me to this), if i may say this is one of the best pokemon games there is (yea including the official ones) and i hope to play it for a very loong time! That's all folks bye!
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