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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by ArmoredGuardian


  2. What's on my mind? What is this, Facebook?

    1. Spineblade


      Yes. *books your face*

  3. Happy Birthday!! It feels just like yesterday when I said Happy Birthday last year. xD
  4. I gotcha bro!!! Give me a few mins. Edit: Here ya go, have fun! Game.rxdata
  5. Yea, the poll was made for people to be able to choose multiple starters that they dislike. Or if they can't decide between 2 or more.
  6. Wow Tacos, you just commented in like 50 seconds. You ninja
  7. Worst starter in the Pokemon games? Why do you think it's the worst? It can be based on stats, the way it looks, or the way it is portrayed.
  8. Why is Popplio the least liked starter? It's so Coolio. I swear, some people need to get their eyes together.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      It reminds me of performapals and I hate performapals. I don't dislike it it's just that ... well

    3. Nova


      For me, it's the fact it's the most similar to the other starters of the three.

  9. Popplio is coolio.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GotWala


      Haha, it was one of those games that I really loved and grew up with but had no one to talk to about them. The music in those games was timeless to me.

    3. Jacobliterator


      Oh boy that music. The first boss theme is permanently implanted in my brain. So epic.

    4. Grizzlybrand


      Protect Popplio squad

  10. POKEMON. WHAT THE HELL IS IT??!?!?!?!?!?!
  11. Oh my god. He probably killed some people in that Walmart...
  12. The Onyx Arcade is where you can find it. I think 10,000 coins?
  13. Pfffft. Please. The writers are just going one step at a time with this Ash-Greninja stuff. Greninja might learn Night Slash later on
  14. Yes I was hoping Goodra would come back, but I'm thinking that he might bring in one of his old pokemon from previous regions.
  15. After watching the recent episode of Pokemon XY&Z, I think the anime seems a bit more realistic. The anime used to be "meh" when I started watching it, which was around Ash,Iris, and Cilan travelling to islands or something, but when XY and XY&Z aired, I was hooked because the story is amazing, the battles are top notch, and the animation is just breathtaking. So far, Episode 25 of XYZ is the best pokemon episode ever made (imo). So what do you think of Pokemon XY and XY&Z?
  16. Here's my team: Hardy's new theme seems a bit... out of place to me. I liked the Hopes and Dreams better because it really had the beats that connects to Hardy's style. Maybe that's just me.
  17. For those who played Pokemon Black/White, did you use your Elemental Monkey to beat the first gym? If you didn't, then why? Also, which is your favorite Elemental Money? Simisage: Simipour: Simisear:
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