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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ArmoredGuardian

  1. GOODRA IS AMAZING, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. How dare you disrespect one of the lord's mighty evolutions.
  2. Fixedx2: MEGA SERPERIOR!!!!!! Type: Grass/Dragon Ability: Contrary HP:75 -> 75 +0 Attack:75 -> 75 +0 Defense:95 -> 110 +15 Sp. Attack:75 ->125 +50 Sp. Defense:95 -> 110 +15 Speed:113 -> 133 +20 BST: 528 -> 628 I'm so confused rn
  3. oops ^-^7 Fixed: MEGA SERPERIOR!!!!!! Type: Grass/Dragon Ability: Contrary HP:75 +0 Attack:75 -> 55 -20 Defense:95 -> 110 +15 Sp. Attack:75 ->125 +50 Sp. Defense:95 -> 110 +15 Speed:113 -> 132 +19 BST: 528 -> 628 Thank you Jeri-poo <33
  4. How does one feel sins crawling on their back?

    1. YinYang9705


      it feels like a lot of unpleasant insects having a party there.

    2. Hexagoen


      do do di do, do do d do do do

  5. I got a new Mega for you Ladies and Gentlemen!!!!! MEGA SERPERIOR!!!!!! Type: Grass Ability: Contrary HP:75 +0 Attack:75 -> 55 -20 Defense:95 -> 110 +15 Sp. Attack:75 ->125 +50 Sp. Defense:95 -> 110 +15 Speed:113 -> 132 +19 BST: 528 -> 628 Serperior looked so cool to me and is one of my favorite Gen 5 Pokemon. Why don't we give it a mega? It has decent bulk, decent HP, decent attack and special attack, and amazing speed. It is commonly known for it's contrary Leaf Storms that can put a dent in some Pokemon. except Heatran and most types that resist grass. So if it got a bit bulkier and got more attack/special attack, it will be a force to be reckon'd with. With Protean you can have STAB on all moves that your Serperior carry. A move set you can have on Mega Serperior can be: Leaf Storm, Dragon Pulse, Hidden Power Fire/Ground, and Protect/Taunt. With this move set you can set up a Leaf Storm using your previous ability (Contrary), then Mega Evolve to use Mega Serperior's boosted stats. With boosted defenses and boosted attack stats, but shallow movepool, Mega Serperior will be used to sweep and tank a few hits. Tell me whatcha think ^3^
  6. Pffft so many wackos and nut-jobs here. Everyone knows Lord Goomy is almighty. Quagsire come to a (not even) close second.
  7. Well. I ran into a weather team. A bit annoying... http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-359615001

  8. Such a boring chapter...

  9. I'm doin good. Welcome to LEBRON JAMMMMMEEEESSSSS (Reborn)
  10. 1 week till the new AOT chapter!!!

  11. Welcome to Reborn!! I like fighting with my Gardevoir because she's so fabulous!! Hope you have fun on the forums!!! Talking to you from America!!!!
  12. YAY IM 1st! I knew staying up will be worth it!!!! Edit: I hate you.
  13. That one teacher who loves playing favorites. Even though you're nice to her everyday, she just don't care. And her favorites are the ones who talk shit behind her back.

    1. Combat


      That's life for you. Just roll with the punches and keep on living.

  14. I'm in love with Satoru's Mom after what she did in Episode 8 of Erased. She's so kind and HILARIOUS.

    1. Omega_Ra1der


      The ep 7 cliffhanger was too real.

    2. ArmoredGuardian
  15. Wow, this game has really improved since Episode 1. Good Job Caz!!!
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