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Everything posted by ArmoredGuardian

  1. What's on your mind?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Swampellow
    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      The sandwich I just ate. And the classes I need to sigh up for. And calling my grandma to thank her for my birthday present.

    4. Hycrox
  2. What if Techie Jonathan died?!?!!?!?! But yea. Rip Techie Jonathan. You fucking hacker.
  3. How important do you find direct confrontation (either verbal or physical) to achieving your goals? Direct confrontation doesn't help me necessarily achieve my goals. I just do what I have to do to meet them. I sometimes use direct confrontation, but sometimes I just stay inthe background and just work in the shadows. 7/10 How much do you prioritize yourself and your loved ones over "the greater good" in your daily decision-making? I prioritze myself first, then it's my loved ones. The way I see it, it's my life and so I must do the things that will affect my life first and then do the things that will affect the lives of my loved ones. Sometimes I'm selfish, but who isn't nowadays. Sometimes you have to think about how certain things will affect you before you make a decision. 8/10 How much do you think you are in control of your own emotions? I never show that much emotion when I'm in public. I choose to be sad and I choose when to cry. I can resist the urge to cry when something horrible happens. I have the ability to just completely shutdown when I feel like I shoudl be strong. 9/10 How important is money and its acquisition to your happiness and/or life goals? Money is not really important towards my happiness, but it is important to my life goals. You need money to be able to survive in this world and without it, you won't be able to complete your life goals and make accomplishments. 8/10 How afraid are you of death (your own or anyone else's)? I am very much afraid of death, but I also know that everyone must die at one point. It's just the thought of dying at any time gets to me and makes me fear it. 10/10 How well do you think you would manage alone in a desperate situtation (island exile, nuclear apocalypse, foreign invasion)? I don;t think I can survive in a desperate situation. I need to be motivated because of my lack of motivation and I also need guidance to think straight in these kind of situations. 3/10 And again, on scale of 1-10... How much greater than animals do you think the human being is? Animals are awesome. Some are extremely smart and the fact that some have different ways of survival facinates me and makes me think how humans were able to take over when there are other species that can be up to par with us. 7/10 How vital do you believe war is to the survival of a human community? War destroys. It is insignificant and irrelevant. Jiust a way to settle stupid arguments. 2/10 To what extent do you believe it is a human responsibility to cooperate with nature? With global warming happening, I believe it is our right to help nature and get it back on track. We caused it so we should fix it. 10/10 How great of a role do you believe tradition should play in shaping an individual's identity? I think a person shouldn't need to follow a tradition to shape their identity. There are many people who don't follow traditions and become great people. We wouldn't have a diverse population if people didn't branch off of christianity and make different religions. (tbh I'm stumped by this question so I made stuff up) 6/10 And some bonus questions (not 1-10): What is your favorite color? Green~ What is your favorite kind of bending as seen in Avatar: The Last Airbender? Blood Bending/Water Bending What is your favorite character from the series? Katara Edit: forgot to explain.
  4. Yaaaaaasss I got me an internship!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ArmoredGuardian


      I'm working in the IT department of a law firm.

    3. Sunbean


      ooh, nice! congrats.

    4. Garnet.



      lets GOOO

  5. HAYYYYYYYYYYY YO -Alola Region

  6. If you give me love, I'll give you love.

  7. I'm stuck in your computer

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sr.F


      ... My computer had a short circuit few days ago, so please get out of my computer that I don´t want troubles again. ¬_¬ :)

    3. Maelstrom


      *has a priest visit and perform an exorcism*

    4. Tacos


      what a shame

  8. Apples > Oranges. Blueberries < Rasberries. Pancakes < Waffles

  9. Clown sightings make me want to slap them

    1. AeroWraith


      Yeah, these clown shenanigans need to stop. It's so stupid. Now my little siblings are afraid to go out

  10. 5/10 I don't know what it is and it looks like it needs a bath. Also it's non-animeish
  11. Dangit I missed it D: GOOOO DOGGGOOOSSSS Thanks for playing guys!!!
  12. Yeaaah, I'm just gonna quit the anime when S/M's anime drops.
  14. -sips tea-

    1. Ironbound


      Disgusting. Coffee is the only way, you know.

    2. Tacos


      Fuck no tea is the ultimate hot beverage.

    3. dan2


      i have a tea addiction that flares up during school and i need help

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