So as you may all know me (or not because i'm boring and i haven't been on in months) but I used to be pretty active so i kind of "caught" up to the recent episode and i just wanted to know how my team is because I'm done with episode 13 as of now.
Froggeh Lvl 71 (Greninja)
Ability: Timid
-Dark Pulse
-Rock Smash
Beauty Lvl 67 (Gardevoir)
Ability: Modest
Batman Lvl 70 (Crobat)
Ability: Bashful
Maco Lvl 62 (Sawk)
Ability: Careful
Venu Lvl 61 (Venusaur)
Ability: Docile
Legend Lvl 63 (Arcanine)
Ability: Hardy
So I guess that is my team and I also guess i have some explaining to do....well about the "Rain Dancing Sawk" well you see i figured if i used rain dance in the Charlotte gym battle it will all work out and it did and plus i didn't know who else to put it on because well idk it worked ok :/....oh yea! About Venu...well he has strength because i needed that for something (I forgot) but i remember i was far away from a PC so i was like "what the heck Venusaur is pretty big and strong". And taking a look at my team i have a big psychic weakness so yea that is a the reason they are so low leveled is because i used to just fight with Gardevoir, Geninja, and Crobat but then I realized i needed more mons but it was too late in the game so i just went through some pokemon (Camerupt, Aggron, Magmar,Electrode, Manetric, Scrafty,and Clefable) but none of them just "fit me" so i need some help and that is where you guys come in so give me them suggestions pretty please?? with a little ice on top....maybe a few scoops of vanilla ice cream?