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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ArmoredGuardian

  1. Insectophobia - Fear of insects. Isolophobia- Fear of solitude, being alone Doxophobia- Fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praise. Gelotophobia- Fear of being laughed at. Glossophobia- Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak. Yea so here are my fears....
  2. A little update, I think this is a little bit off topic but I went to Apophyll Academy and Victoria isn't there. Maybe she is in Labadorra city as a hostage or is somewhere we haven't gotten to yet. Therefore, I am 86% sure she is going to be in the upcoming episode helping out fight Team Meteor.
  3. I'm gonna miss you Legend Of Korra you was my favorite show EVER!!!!

  4. How do I get rid of my trainer card?.....Is it gonna be on my signature for a long time D: someone help!!!! (also I can't change my sprite....)

    1. Arkhi


      Under the Reborn League bar on the left, select "Trainer Cards". From there, delete yours.

      Sprites cannot be changed because the Trainer Card editor is bugged.

  5. I hear people made "Goomy Glue" what a horrible thing to do D:

  6. I saw that which got me wondering how you could see me :/
  7. I'm so sorry I shall sit in a corner....
  8. Don't Press Me I might Blind you with my ugliness
  9. Well...my strategy used a lot of luck and patience....First, I used the field to my advantage....I had Greninja use surf multiple times to make the "steam" come up and "blind" everyone on the field and then made Gardevoir use calm mind. Eventually I got to max calm minds and everyone was missing moves...(Now for the luck part) My Gardevoir basically "swept" or at least tried to "sweep".....meanwhile i switched Greninja out to my Arcanine to take the super-powered fire attacks then when it got knocked out I switched Greninja back in and basically I just repeated this step until all her pokemon were out so yea pretty time-consuming right? Welp I just like it that way (I'm also the luckiest person ever). P.S (I know this is off topic but how do you get rid of the trainer card on my signature I thought I could get rid of it by going to edit my signature but it isnt there...also one more thing..How do you do the Spoiler box thingy-ma-jigger)
  10. I have the reaper cloth though i think its near the Amy's and Tania's house but like across the river i think you gotta hop on the rocks like you did with the crustle to get the item.
  11. Where did you find it Tell meeeee
  12. So as you may all know me (or not because i'm boring and i haven't been on in months) but I used to be pretty active so i kind of "caught" up to the recent episode and i just wanted to know how my team is because I'm done with episode 13 as of now. Froggeh Lvl 71 (Greninja) Ability: Timid -Surf -Dark Pulse -Extrasensory -Rock Smash Beauty Lvl 67 (Gardevoir) Ability: Modest -Moonblast -Psychic -Shadowball -CalmMind Batman Lvl 70 (Crobat) Ability: Bashful -CrossPoison -Bite -ConfuseRay -Acrobatics Maco Lvl 62 (Sawk) Ability: Careful -CloseCombat -RainDance -BrickBreak -Endure Venu Lvl 61 (Venusaur) Ability: Docile -PetalDance -NaturePower -Synthesis -Strength Legend Lvl 63 (Arcanine) Ability: Hardy -Crunch -FlareBlitz -Flamethrower -Retaliate So I guess that is my team and I also guess i have some explaining to do....well about the "Rain Dancing Sawk" well you see i figured if i used rain dance in the Charlotte gym battle it will all work out and it did and plus i didn't know who else to put it on because well idk it worked ok :/....oh yea! About Venu...well he has strength because i needed that for something (I forgot) but i remember i was far away from a PC so i was like "what the heck Venusaur is pretty big and strong". And taking a look at my team i have a big psychic weakness so yea that is a thing......also....um....well the reason they are so low leveled is because i used to just fight with Gardevoir, Geninja, and Crobat but then I realized i needed more mons but it was too late in the game so i just went through some pokemon (Camerupt, Aggron, Magmar,Electrode, Manetric, Scrafty,and Clefable) but none of them just "fit me" so i need some help and that is where you guys come in so give me them suggestions pretty please?? with a little ice on top....maybe a few scoops of vanilla ice cream?
  13. Well this topic is getting juicy tell us more about surf plz
  14. HI [Enter Weird Phrase Here] Hope you have fun!!!!!!
  15. I feel like there is a connection between Connall and Lin idk what it is but i feel that there is something between them and also I believe Lin will die by an explosion of some sort (Shade's Gym tells you the future deaths) it looked like she was decapitated idk what she was decapitated by but her head fell off and once I saw that I saved and turned that game off then 3 days later played it again
  16. Hi..............I like water types........goodbye now
  17. Nice Ame I might try a Nuzlocke
  18. Ok Thanks and sorry if I spammed my team or something but i wasn't thinking (that happens to me a lot) :/ but i'l take your suggestions I tried to find heart scales to do that but now i'm still searching
  19. Well I suggest Electrike or Shinx, Electrike can be found by the power plant when its raining and the shinx can be found when you have enough coins for it in the game corner and this is to replace emolga. For mankey i would suggest a Scraggy its so good when it evolves into scrafty which is absolute crazy and will wreck havoc to your opponents and scraggy can be found by event in the obsidia slums and to unlock the even you have to go to the house above the pokemon center in obsidia and go down to fight a mecha-thingy (hope you got pokemon that can take level 45 hits) so anyways when you go to the house you go down the stairs and around the corner you find a key then you go back to the slums and use the key to unlock the even and the rest i feel like you can do Good Luck!!!! Edit: Sorry You need HM Strength to get scraggy Sorry but you can still get the other two i suggested.....sorry
  20. Well sorry I read over some stuff lol its a habit Edit: But umm I suggest using a Flying Type Pokemon because I see a lot of Fighting weaknesses Edit: Well I guess that's covered by the psychic types :/
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