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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ArmoredGuardian

  1. When you talk to the girl in the house in Akora forest, in a sentence she will mention "Oshawott", when the new event mon is Totodile.
  2. Hey Jericho!! I love messing with you on the server, but anyways, Happy Birthday!!! ;]
  3. I need to learn how to do a Pokemon Banner. TEACH ME STATUS READERS!!!

  4. Ohh!! I see her. Thanks. I guess it's just the purple-haired girl that's bugged.
  5. In the Kakori Village help request "Battle Me Once More" doesn't work. When I talk to the lady, she says that I haven't accepted any requests. I also can't find the girl.
  6. Lol I got it on my 5th restart, and it was a shiny. It has naughty nature though. Game.rxdata
  7. So I've made another file of Rejuvenation and noticed a few pokemon events that give out the same pokemon. Events like the Mime Jr. one in Wispy Ruins and there's another Mime Jr. in Wispy Tower. I know the one in Wispy Tower is supposed to tell the player that fairy type pokemon aren't really affected by the shadowfacation process, but how about we express it by putting another pokemon there like Snubbull? Or maybe Spritzee? I just think events that give the same pokemon is kinda repetitive.
  8. Kamina sounds like Lucina. Are you Lucina?
  9. Wai so jelly of me? I have this girl named Peanut Butter that you might go well with. Want her number? What's your JAM?
  10. Aero is actually my favorite because of his smug look (sadly it doesn't show in the VS. thingy) I think Axel has the worst because he almost looks like a Pokemon Breeder NPC.
  11. Work Up is a Gen 5 TM and doesn't exist in Gen 6. This game uses Gen 6 Mechanics. .
  12. Just keep swimming~, just keep swimming~, swimming~ swimming~ swimming~

    1. Cepheus


      did just came back from watching finding Dory?

      because Dory is a filthy liar!

    2. ArmoredGuardian



  13. I think It will be a tie between Mega Sceptile and Ash-Greninja. Notice how Ash calls Pikachu back and sends Noivern out to battle Salamence? Then Goodra vs Slurpuff? After Salamence and Slurpuff gets defeated, Shota will have 1 pokemon left which is Mega Sceptile and Greninja will battle it. Ash will have 2, which is Pikachu and Greninja. So far this is how the matches went. Slaking vs Hawlucha ---- Slaking vs Talonflame---- Talonflame vs Clawitzer---- Clawitzer vs Pikachu---- Pikachu vs Aegislash---- Pikachu(switched out)
  14. I tried teaching my Vivillon Energy Ball, but it can't learn it. I looked up the moves Vivillon can learn and Energy Ball is one of them. Is this a bug? Edit: Meowstic can't learn Energy Ball either when it can. I think TM Energy Ball is broken. Gonna test on more pokemon. Edit2: Gourgeist can't learn Energy Ball either, but my Jumpluff and Roselia can. I think only Gen 6 Pokemon can't learn this TM because it worked on Jumpluff and Roselia.
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