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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lostelle

  1. Hopefully I don't get in too much trouble for bumping this, but I finally updated this thread and will hope to keep it updated throughout the final release of Reborn. I hope this thread & my channel has served useful for many of you all throughout the years!
  2. depends if you want a free water type or fire type from them depending who you join. personally I always choose aqua because it's in a more convenient location, and the pokemon they give is better
  3. incredible! nice to see you make a return and finally finish this. well done!
  4. you could always leave the game open and listen to the pretty music to mentally prepare for the battle :^)
  5. it's always refreshing and nice to see the dedication and hard work put into the storyline and the revamped areas that are changed every so often. This version in particular was great.
  6. you can continue the hidden library quest, so yeah the labyrinth expands. you can also collect all the crests also if you've done the other hidden library quests, go to alamissa urben and karen will be there
  7. use the sylveon that you were gifted. misty terrain helps a bunch plus you can set up with it also.
  8. Go around Terajuma and find people who say "...". you'll be able to figure out the rest after that.
  9. try using ampharos to slow everything down with thunderwave. have you done the magma/aqua sidequest? I think you can get another fire type or pokemon to help you out.
  10. Losing the double battle with melia vs. Saki and Venam keeps the glitch field even after you lose. not sure if it goes away when winning as I just reset and won afterwards. i'm assuming it would go away however I'll post it here nonetheless
  11. Lostelle

    Get into

    too far down, go back up a bit
  12. Lostelle

    Get into

    I think she's on the south route below the city, someone on the western area of it, iirc
  13. Ralts/Kirlia isn't going to be useful in that battle (too frail & weak), so I would train it up afterwards. I would replace Kriketune with after this however because its novelty drops off heavily after this point of the game. Anyway, try training up Beldum. As far as I know, they don't have anything besides Umbreon that can deal super effective damage to steel types, (correct me if I'm wrong) so maybe try using Metang to tank and deal damage while using Combusken and the others to deal damage. Focus one of them at a time. Save the Tangrowth for last.
  14. Hi all, It's been a quite a while and I completely disregarded this thread for quite some time. I'm sure with this comment I'll be bringing lots of attention back to it, however I've updated the post with more videos I haven't had on it previously. I'd also like to mention to any newer members and newcomers who might ask questions such as, "in my game x Pokemon isn't there, it's now x! Why?" That Amethyst has scrapped/moved Pokemon along the years and some of the videos are now somewhat obsolete. (Joltik for example.) The Pokemon may have changed, although the puzzle still remains the same. Once again if anyone has any questions or suggestions, feel free to let me know! In my limited time I'd still love to stay devoted to the game as much as I have over the past 5 years. Regards, Lostelle
  15. http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/30570-e17-rust-thicker-than-water-community-release/
  16. Just as a PSA, videos for E17 will not come until the public release. I'm not saying this because I have no time to record right now either don't kill me.
  17. How does one gain access to the supporter group? I couldn't seem to find the old donate button which was on the bottom of the home page.
  18. There was one member who used Blaziken / Diggersby to speedrun through a majority of the game, I believe he was trying to figure out a faster method of beating Shade, who gave him troubles. I don't remember his name, which really irritates me. He did make a thread however a few years ago talking about it.
  19. @Yagami I believe you need to renovate the Railnet for that.
  20. The door should unlock when you return to the city, unless I don't remember what door you're talking about.
  21. I've added a few updates to this, and I'd like to apologize for the lack of updates. I don't really have time to update this as frequently as I used to, with work and balancing school it's become a quite the hassle. I'm also not used to the website which also demotivates me from doing anything on here. Anyways, for changes, I improved visibility by spreading each Pokemon out by it's evolution line, and I also added a few additions which I could easily comprehend based off of your guys' help. If someone would like to compile a bunch of changes I could add, I'd appreciate it and would attempt to get it done ASAP. Also, just as a PSA; I'm not going to add or accept any submission related to Deino or how to obtain it. It's not supposed to be obtainable right now, so I'd appreciate if no one mentioned how to obtain it here. Cheers, Lostelle
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